Title: In for a Potato, In for a Pound
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prpl_penRating: PG
Series: Bleach
Pairing(s): TatsuHime, Chizuru/Orihime(unrequited)
Disclaimer: The great Kubo-sama owns these characters.
Warnings: slight alternate reality, gross food
Author's Notes: Thanks to my beta reader for the help.
In for a Potato, In for a Pound )
So this:
her thoughts quickly strayed...to whether or not Dr. Ishida had a sordid romance with another male doctor.
made me giggle in my secret soul, because of course my mind went right to Paparabu, but you just cinched it with the next paragraph. A+++ :D
This line too:
I don't even think they can make it to the second floor in anything other than the movies.
was just so cute and so Orihime and had me flailing happily.
Moving on, the actual story was very charming. I have to admit when I read the pairing and saw Chizuru/Orihime in there, even if it was unrequited, I balked a little, because a little of her goes a long way with me, but the role she played in this story was perfect, in spurring Tatsuki into action.
I really like the way you handled Tatsuki's reluctance, and Orihime's reaction to her finally making a move. One gets the impression that Orihime is one of those people who loves without limits, and certainly she wouldn't be taken aback by a kiss from someone like Tatsuki, whom she already loves and who is her best friend. The note you ended on was very sweet and full of promise. Thanks again!
Haha, now I am curious as to why Chizuru is in the hospital, though.
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