May 14, 2006 00:03
so i guess adam nola is in town.
ashliegh just bit me.
i didnt like it.
i hate her right now.
gary is enjoying tis nright now, and addie is ALL OVER HIS NUTS. i think he likes it. he says RIGHT. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
who goes on myspace something like that.
im alot higher.
haha or i hear ahsliegh just bit you. i dont care. i want to eat my head. it smells good. gary says uhh-uh. [as in NO][
what happend.
youjr getting there its close. ugh oh coselrbndsojgnew
dude who sits on the computer wehne there wasted. I DO.
jack danielsd is a good friend oy minew.
]I have a kilienss hat. its sexy. says the cat.
i need to druink.
you should drink with me. it will be loads of fun.
that was sweet. nice.
now were gonna do it agian ready.
i gota fucking not chekfc my space. says adAM.
there just talking about boys. adam likes boys.
so sdoes gary.l
or not.
or so.
write something different, diffuctyly.
ashleigh had boobs.
i ate them and they aer no longer hjere.
they are in my tummy.
up then you go donw, and then this this htis and thast its.
i bet you wish you were here. i know i do.?
yeah yeah conuntue.
julie is humping the cat.
and likes it alot.
and ashliegh is jouinging in now. its HOTS.
gayr is too now. how sexy, there is an orgy oging on in the room. OH YEAH,. ohhh ohhh ahhh uhgsdngtfnbgsidjbgdsihbgdhsifngsdbgfseadhnfvndbhsfdyhgseaui [orgasmn]shbgjkdsn vkjsfdbuiosdk
julie liesk girls. alot. and vagina. which means girls. she likes to licvk the twat. so does ashliegh. literaly.
lets all be bsackwards for a moment in time.
this is getting gay. what the hell.
/love you.
the futon is falling.
i like it alot. so does gary. addie is no longert on hisnutsl. now its angie. which isnt cool. becsue shes like 12.
this is ereally getting gay now. kinda like your mom. ha