{myojo} Sept 09 Morimoto Shintaro

Aug 13, 2009 13:35

Myojo September 2009 - Laugh and forgive me!? Prankster’s confession
Morimoto Shintaro

Out of sheer desire to see surprised faces, Prankster boy・Shintaro waiting to ambush his target again. From several of his little evil deeds he has done in the past, he will confess you all!

I broke my brother’s wooden sword
My brother (older brother, Morimoto Ryutaro) went to Nikko for a school trip and bought a wooden sword. I secretly borrowed it and broke the sword when I was playing with it. I don’t think he noticed it was my fault… It’s a memorable piece so I think he’ll get really mad at me when he finds out…

I gave my friend a  bottle of carbonated drink that I repeatedly shook
The other day, I gave my friend a carbonated drink that I shook around. The moment he opened it, it came out like fountain! He was really surprised~♪

I gave my friend a stick with mushrooms growing on it
I handed my friend a stick with massive amount of mushrooms growing on it and ran away!! When I got to school the next day, the stick was on my desk. I was defeated as a prankster.

I stuck dog  poo on a stick and chased my friend with it
You just have to stab a dog poo that’s lying around somewhere and there you go, a simple weapon is ready☆ When you’re playing tag and the person who’s it is chasing you, you show the stick to them. If you do that, they’ll get scared and never get close to you. You’ll be a no match to them!

I pulled the plug of the bath tub
I thought I was the last to take a bath so I pulled the plug. It’s wasn’t a prank! Just a misunderstanding! I’m sorry.

I doodled on the desk with crayons
I doodled a little on the back of my friend’s desk at school. It was on the back so no one noticed yet. Maybe it’ll stay that way even after graduating!?

I poured milk in my friend’s rice
During lunch, I pushed the center of the milk box when the kid next to me wasn’t looking! The milk poured into his lunch. But he didn’t notice at all and kept eating saying “this has milky flavor…”

I attacked the hair/makeup person with water gun
I love watching people’s surprised expressions! I don’t mean to harm anyone. Even the other day, there were water guns as props in the studio so I attacked the hair/make person nearby. I’m sorry for making your clothes and hair wet!!
I’m the one who ate the takuan [pickled radish] in the fridge
I’m constantly eat things in our fridge secretly. I especially love takuan that I ate few when my mother was cleaning the other day! When my mother looked in the fridge later, she said “wait, are there less takuan?” looking at it strangely.

mag:myojo, jr:morimoto shintaro

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