{radio} Nakajima x Yamada

Mar 31, 2009 17:36

131st Radio Show (OA March 30th 2009) 
Yamada Ryosuke x Nakajima Yuto

Nakajima: Good evening, this is HS7’s Nakajima Yuto

Yamada: Good evening, this is Yamada Ryosuke

Nakajima: Yup! We’d like to host this week. Well, Yamada san

Yamada: Oh okay okay. Well, let’s start now

Nakajima: Wow… okay. What?

Yamada: That was short. I’d like to introduce the letter now

Nakajima: Isn’t it too early?

Yamada: I’m just ganna get it started

Nakajima: Doesn’t it feel speedy today?

Yamada: Here it goes

Nakajima: Wait a sec. wait wait. We’re going to fast today

Yamada: Nah, let’s go speedy today

Nakajima: I guess we’ll get this over with it fast

Yamada: Yes

Nakajima: Please do

Yamada: Here it goes

Nakajima: Okay

Yamada: Osaku-fu, penname March san

Nakajima: Eh, do that again

Yamada: Osaka-fu, penname March san

Nakajima: Ta da da daa (wedding march)

Yamada: Wrong. “Konban-chii (good evening), HS7”

Nakajima:  Konban-chii, what the heck is that?

Yamada: “Anyways, do you guys talk in your sleep? I am told that I do sometimes but, dot dot dot … if you are, what kind of things do you say? I’d be happy if you tell me some. Bye bye”

Nakajima: People tell me I’m awful when I talk in my sleep

Yamada: Sleep talk is when you talk in your sleep so even if you ask us what we say, we wouldn’t really know

Nakajima: We really don’t. Although, my parents remember some occasionally but I forget them. What was it? ummm… oh yeah! I once said “Wait, stop that, stop it stop it stop it. You better stop that” or “ah my onigiri! Onigiri onigiri”

Yamada: Well, Yuto kun does this once in a while. You know, during tours

Nakajima: Yeah

Yamada: When I get the same hotel room as you

Nakajima: Do I talk in my sleep?

Yamada: Not really your sleep talk but you’re just awful

Nakajima: Really?!

Yamada: Yeah, you toss and turn in your sleep.

Nakajima: Really!?

Yamada:  You also don’t wake up

Nakajima: Yeah

Yamada: I’ve smacked you couple times before

Nakajima: In the morning? … really?!

Yamada: Yeah that’s because you wouldn’t wake up

Nakajima: You’re right, mornings are..

Yamada: I know

Nakajima: Is my enemy, my rival

Yamada: Ene… my… your everlasting rival

Nakajima: It’s like Morning VS Me. I really have hard time [getting up] in the morning

Yamada: It’s okay. Since we’ll have another tour soon, I’ll take care of you if we get the same room

Nakajima: Please wake me up

Yamada: Instead of waking you up …

Nakajima: I’ll be waiting for the Yamada Morning calls then

Yamada: Is this enough? I think it’s ready to start

Nakajima: Should we start soon?

Yamada: Let’s do it

Nakajima: It’s a little too early though

Yamada: No, this is fine

Nakajima: Let’s start

Yamada: This speediness is just right

Nakajima: You’re right

Yamada: Go ahead

Nakajima: HS7

Yama-Jima: UltraPower

Nakajima: Mondays are corners which we answer to your letters

Yamada: What kind of letters will we read? Please enjoy until the end


Yamada: Doing this with Yuto kun will be the second time is it? How many times?

Nakajima: Yes, this is the second time

Yamada: This is totally different with Keito

Nakajima: Well, we are going a little fast today

Yamada: It’s different

Nakajima: Well!

Yamada: Let’s start

Nakajima: About Hey!Say!Letter,

Yamada: Yes, this is a corner which we have you send us various topics from funny incidents, simple questions, trivia, etc.

Nakajima: That’s right ma’am. Well, let’s start introducing the letters now!

Yamada: Ehh, this is from radioname Miiko san

Nakajima: Miiko san

Yamada: “Good evening, HS7”

Nakajima: Good evening

Yamada: “I enjoy listening to you all the time. In HS7, I especially …”  tut haha

Nakajima: What’s wrong?

Yamada: “like Nakajima kun”

Nakajima: Ah! Thank you very much. Thank you!

Yamada: (tut)

Nakajima: Thanks!

Yamada: “I went out to eat with my family the other day. My mother ordered チャンジャ/cyanja (Korean food)”

Nakajima: OOH!

Yamada: “Speaking of cyanja, it’s Nakajima kun’s favorite food”

Nakajima: How did you know?

Yamada: “I decided to give it a try”

Nakajima: ooh

Yamada: That’s because you say you like cyanja quite a lot in many places

Nakajima: Oh yeah

Yamada: Yeah “It was good!”

Nakajima: Ooh!

Yamada: “Crunchy”

Nakajima: Ooh!

Yamada: “And spicy, I feel in love with them”

Nakajima: OOH!

Yamada: “Thank you Nakajima kun, who introduced Cyanja to me”

Nakajima: Not at all, not at all, not at all

Yamada: “I’m thinking of trying Basashi (raw horse meat) next”

Nakajima: Not at all, not at all, yes yes. Wow

Yamada: I cannot even take part on anything about this letter

Nakajima: No, that’s not good!

Yamada: Well, I haven’t tried cyanja or basashi before!

Nakajima: Cyanja are essential for yakiniku

Yamada: What is cyanja?

Nakajima: Cyanja is umm, you’d be like “eh!?” if I tell you though

Yamada: It’s a delicacy right?

Nakajima: Yes. It’s pretty known delicacy but umm, it’s that thing. It’s where you soak codfish or other type of fish’s innards in a spicy sauce

Yamada: Ahh

Nakajima: That’s about it

Yamada: It’s like squid shiokara, right?

Nakajima: Yeah, kinda like that but spicier version and it’s really good

Yamada: I see

Nakajima: It’s like, cyanja with white rice is crucial. I have some at home

Yamada: Really?

Nakajima: My parents bought them from a department store. There’re cyanja for household and it’s awesome

Yamada: You’re pretty strange, Yuto kun

Nakajima: It’s awesome, it’s awesome

Yamada: I don’t know if it’s strange in that way but you pretty much eat old people stuff

Nakajima: I get that a lot

Yamada: If anything, you’re not even Heisei born

Nakajima: I get that too

Yamada:  Ehh

Nakajima: I get that a lot. I guess I’m just a

Yamada: Old guy

Nakajima: But, they’re really good. You have to try some next time! It’s good. You won’t be able to stop going for the rice

Yamada: I don’t like delicacy (chinmi) type of foods

Nakajima: Ah, I see

Yamada: Yeah

Nakajima: But if you just think of them as Kimich

Yamada: Kimichi are vegetable

Nakajima: Kimichi, but it’s really good. The person who wrote this letter knows, it’s really crunchy/chewy

Yamada: Miiko san

Nakajima: Miiko san. Right, Miiko san? It’s cruchy/chewy. It’s really good, trust me

Yamada: Nah

Nakajima: They have those at Yakiniku shops so maybe if you’re curious, you should try cooking them

Yamada: yeah

Nakajima: It’s good to cook them too. It becomes crunchy/chewy and soft Miiko san. Try this out next time, Miiko san

Yamada: Please stop recommending them

Nakajima: No no no no

Yamada: Please stop

Nakajima: Please try them

Yamada: Well, please keep sending us questions, funny incidents, and etc

Nakajima: Oh, are you sure?

Yamada: This was Hey!Say!Letter’s corner

Nakajima: Yup. Please listen to a song for now, it’s HSJ’s

YamaJima: Jounetsu JUMP


Yamada: It’s already time for us to go

Nakajima: Today went really fast

Yamada: It was fast

Nakajima: We hurried too much in the beginning

Yamada: We were speedy

Nakajima: Sure was speedy

Yamada: Speedy

Nakajima: Well, for this show… I heard we are waiting for your mails

Yamada: Yes. The address postal code 105-8002

Nakajima: Eh?

Yamada: Bunka Broadcast

Nakajima: Eh?

Yamada: UltraPower, to the appropriate corners!

Nakajima: Wooah!

Yamada: The mail address is jump@joqr.net

Nakajima: Eh? Say it again

Yamada: Wait! You!

Nakajima: Hm?

Yamada: This is pretty…

Nakajima: Sorry, I wasn’t listening. Do that again

Yamada: I’m trying to focus here because I might mess it up

Nakajima: Okay, then one more

Yamada: One more. The address is, jump@joqr.net

Nakajima: OOH!

Yamada: It’s jump@joqr.net

Nakajima: Eh? Jump@ … what?

Yamada: I did it without messing up!

Nakajima: jump@jo... Ah, we’d like you to send in questions for us as soon as you think of one. If not, we won’t have any materials

Yamada: That’s very real

Nakajima: Yeah, it’s true but today was fun

Yamada: Yeah

Nakajima: Yup, I’m glad

Yamada: It was great

Nakajima: This show is done for today. Your host was HS7’s Nakajima Yuto and

Yamada: Yamada Ryosuke

Nakajima: See you tomorrow

Yamada: Bye byee

Nakajima: Bye byee 
Sorry I had a mini-hitaus with the radio shows orz

hs7:yamada ryosuke, radio, hs7:nakajima yuto

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