{Popolo} April 08

Oct 21, 2008 20:19

Popolo April 2008
Okamoto Keito

Okamoto Keito 
Birthday: April 1st 1993
Born in: Tokyo
Blood type: O
When did you wake up today? How did you feel waking up?
6 o’clock. I’m sleepy, but I don’t want to be late… 
What were your first words waking up?
How is your mood waking up? Good or bad?
It’s bad. I actually want to lie around all day. I think lying around a little then waking up is the best. 
Recently what is your average sleeping time? 
About 4 hours. Because I have to do my complicated home works that my school is giving out right. I sense a lack of sleep. 
What do you do first thing in the morning? 
First, take a shower. 
Favorite breakfast menu is? 
I don’t eat much in the morning. When I do eat, I eat simple sandwhich. 
How long do you wash your teeth? 
5 minutes. 
How hard is your toothbrush? 
In between “soft” and “normal”. 
What are your procedures you do from waking up in the morning to going out?
Wake up→ sleep in→ wake up hastily→ shower→ puts lotion on→ fix hair→ get changed→ home work if any time→ get my bags ready→ GO!
What do you have in your bag today? 
Only my study tools. Text book, notebook, and writing instruments. 
Tell us your fashion point about your clothes!
I just came here after my school class ended so I’m in my uniform. My fashion point is my cherry print slip-on sneakers. 
How do you spend you time when your going to school or work?
Mostly sleeping. I get hasty when I wake up. 
What do you do during break at school? 
Favorite school lunch menu is .. 
Fried potato and green salad with lettuce and cucumber. 
Favorite school curriculum and least favorite school curriculum is.. ?
My favorite is science and least favorite is history.
What are the JUMP members in to? 
Fighting over snacks with everyone. When we enter a studio, we immediately run to where the snacks are (laughs)
Where in you home do you feel calm? 
Top of my bed.
How big is your room? 
From wall to wall about 7 steps. 
What color is your curtain?
What kind of chores are you good at? 
Cleaning up. 
What do you want to eat for dinner tonight? 
Yakiniku bento! I love yakiniku bento ♥ (Yakiniku bento: Grilled meat in lunch box)
What do you immediately do when you come home? 
Are you type of person who takes shower or soak in bath tub? 
Shower type. 
How long do you bathe?
25 minutes. 
What are some steps you do when washing your body? 
Wash my face → Shampoo (while I have conditioner in my hair I brush my teeth) → wash my body → wash my face again. 
What do you always do before you fall asleep? 
Homework and shower. The school I go to give us many home works, so I have to work on it before I sleep or else I won’t catch up. 
What position are you in when you sleep?
Facing right. 
Do you dream? What are dreams you often watch, or dream that made an impression?
I’m supposed to be watching it but I forget about them when I wake up so I don’t remember. Why do I forget them? It’s a mystery!
Give us a good night message to the readers! 
Sweet dreams, good night! (This was actually in English ♥ )

hs7:okamoto keito, mag:popolo

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