May 08, 2005 19:17
oh man... on thursday i called my friend dave to get him to come pick me up from school during 6th hour andwhen he came my friends myles, holden and this annoying girl named jamie, but we were leaving down danieles way and Mr. Blackman started chasing us... on a golf cart.... and won. we were trying to lose him by going in and out of office buildings and shit and when we werejust about to get on indian town, Mr. Blackman cut us off and gets out of his golf cart and says, "all of you, out of the car now". so we get out and he gets on his walkie talkie and says jupiter police, and a biker cop come out of fuckin nowhere, so he was talkin to us for a while and said ok you guys are going to walk back to school, and i said are we walking back to ISS and he said shit no your going hom, im calling mommy and daddy... he never did, and my mom never found out that i got caught, but now im in ISS for 3 days. but its ok.
Happy Mothers Day Everyone!!!