Dive In

Jan 14, 2007 12:03

So, Here I am, back into the books... Thus the Dive In subject... It's starting to get bad already... I've already had to read two plays... Woyzeck (which we did a production on in clas last year and was great fun) and Love's Labours Lost by Shakespeare... Yeah, I'm doing a Shakespeare course... Fun times!

Anyway, got back to Chi Alpha, it was dead like usual... thinking about leaving and going to one of the youth groups around town or going to MUNCF or something of the sort... I'm annoyed with Chi Alpha at this point... It's all about if you fit in, if you're in the right Clique... and it shows through too because there's on group sat in one place and another in another place and so on... so I sat in back and watched how this all played out and it was quite funny to see... I left a early and never went to bowling... I just got peeved with what I saw there and didn't want to have to go bowling to try and worm myself into one of the 5 or 6 groups to get on a bowling team... I saved them the trouble of not having to deal with someone on their team that they didn't want there... anyway, enough about those going ons...

So, MUN Drama is having their first meeting on Friday... fun times... I wanna see what plays they are doing... I got my fingers crossed that it's not Hardcore like they originally planned... I wann audition this semester...

Oh, and I went to see the movie Freedom Writers last night... one of the BEST movies I ever watched... I LOVED it... I had tears in my eyes in a couple of parts... like when that one guy read his journal to the class about how he was evected from his house over the summer... that was extremely emotional... and then there was the scene where the misses who kept Anne Frank in her attic came in to talk to the kids... UNBELIEVABLE... I am buying the movie when it's released... Someone told me the movie wasn't that good and they left within 20 mins of the movie... can I just say that you kinda need an educated mind and an appreciation for this kind of movie... Personally I see movies being a way that people can look at their own lives and stuf like that... well I saw myself in that movie... the want to over come battles with racim and stuff... I wish I was given an oppertunity like that teacher... it's also really inspirational for someone who is considering education as a path for their life... It's also good for someone conidering a life as an actor... I can just imagine the difference Hilary wank will make in people's lives after people see this movie... I LOVED it... I Sugget Freedom Writers to EVERYONE who has an appreciation for good movies! (by the way, I only had one person tell me it was a bad movie, I had like 10 say it was one of the best movies ever)

Anyway, that's about it with my hectic life so far back at MUN, I gotta get back to reading me some Billy S...


chi alpha, audition, mun drama, freedom writers, woyzeck, shakespeare

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