I have the first part of my story typed up and the second part started. My Story goes kind of in a time line thing, so just to let y'all know, the story is going to be jumping from chapter to chapter depending on three things... Scenes, Dates and Point Of Views.
The first part is written in third person and I'm in it, it's only because I hate writing from a first person point of view because I like playing all the characters and from firt person, I don't get to do that! So, I refer to myself as J instead of Me... just letting y'all know... all reviews would be WONDERFUL! I love reviews so post some comments. I have changed up my idea ALOT so it's not going in the same direction as I first thought... at first I was going to have it a Drama/Spiritual story, now it's basically only Drama... No Spiritual! anyway, on with the story! (All story updates will be in an edit to this post, so keep checking this post!)
Things to keep in mind...
People: J, Desiree, Jess, Rainy, Kyle
Objects: Old C.D, WWJD Bracelet, Engagement Ring, Broken Record Player, Teddy Bear
Places: Fast Food Restaurant, Playground, Public Swimming Pool, Empty Parking Lot, Old Man Winkle's
July 1995
"Wow" J said as he looked up at the huge building he was standing in front of. "This is AWESOME!" J said walking through the doors of the building. J was nine years old and his parents had just brought him to the new toy factory in town. Mr Winkle had opened the toy factory and had it named "Old Man Winkle's Toy Town." J couldn't believe all that he saw. It was amaing how many toys were being produced and sold at the same time.
J didn't want to stay by his parents side so he wandered off over to where the action figures and dolls were. Once there he picked up one of the X-Men action figures and started playing with it.
"Hey" J heard a voice behind him. "Wanna play with me?" J turned to see a small girl holding one of the dolls. "This is Carisa, and that's Blanch" The girl pointed to another doll that another girl was holding.
"This is Gambit. "He blows things up!" J laughed. He was hoping to scare the girls off with the macho boy act.
"Really?" said yet another girl picking up another one of the X-Men action figures. "Well, this is Rogue and she will steal your blowing up power just by touching you" the girls smiled at each other in their victory of acting tougher then a boy.
"So, do you want to play?" sked the first girl. "My name's Rainy."
"And I'm Jess" said the girl holding Rogue.
"And this is Desiree. She don't like to speak much" said Rainy pointing to the other girl.
"Hi, I'm J" J just looked at the girls funny.
"And I'm Kyle" Said another boy walking up to them. "Can I play with you guys too?"
"Sure!" said J, happy not to be the only guy. "I'm glad I don't have to play with only a bunch of doll lovers" J laughed. "I'm joking. I'm playing with Gambit and your dolls can be the people we have to save from the evil Magneto!"
On that day in Old Man Winkle's Toy Town, a group of five best friends were formed. These kids did everything together. They had birthday parties, sleepovers, they all took swimming leassons at the public swimming pool and they all went to Old Man Winkle's Toy Town every saturday to play with the toys.
June 2000
In June, 2000, the kids decided to seal their friendship over a swaping of gifts. So that everyone didn't have to buy a gift for everyone, they decided they would draw names.
"I got Kyle" J said. "I don't know what I should buy."
"I've got Jess" Kyle said.
"Really? I got Rainy" said Jess.
"I got Desiree," Said Rainy, "and Desiree got J." Desiree still wasn't much of a talker. The whole five years that the kids were friends she only spoke a couple of words. Some how though the kids always knew what she was about to say even though she never talked. It was like some kind of psychic connection between best friends, Like how Matt always knew what Lanny was going to say even though he never said anything on "Lizzie McGuire."
The next day the kids all met up at the playground at the edge of town to swap their gifts. J gave Kyle a mixed C.D with all the songs he liked on it. Kyle gave Jess a ring he got from one of those twenty-five cent machines. Jess gave Rainy a record player for her life sized doll. It was plastic and hollow in the middle. Rainy gave Desiree a Teddy Bear that she won at the fair a couple of days before. Desiree gave J a "What Would Jesus Do" arm band, even though at the time she didn't know what "WWJD" stood for, she only knew it was pretty and she saw it at the Book And Bible Shop when her parents went there. Everything was set up and the kids now knew that their friendship would last forever! That was until Jess returned home.
"Mom, is dinner ready?" Jess asked as she walked into her kitchen admiring her new ring that one of her best friends had just given her.
"Yes, it is." said Jess mother. "And by the way, we have something to tell you that we think you're going to be very excited about." Jess sat in her place at the table wondering what she would be so excited over.
"What is it?" Jess asked.
"We have booked you a trip to summer camp. It's an all girl camp dealing with crafts, hiking, swimming, scavenger hunts, and so much more. Jess, we know you'll love it and we booked it for you today! It's called "Rainy Day Getaway Girls Camp"." Jess mother smiled at her.
"WHAT?" Jess just about had an heart attack. This meant that she would have to go the full summer away from her best friends in the whole world. The thing she didn't realize is that each of her best friends at this exact point in time was getting the same excited talk from their parents, which they were hating. "I can't go and leave all my friends here. I don't wanna go!"
"Oh Jess," Jess father smiled at her. "It's only a couple of weeks, you'll still have the full month of August to spend with your friends. Plus, this is a good way to meet new friends from all around the country. Trust me, you'll be really excited and when you come back you'll be able to tell all your friends back here about your wonderful time."
Jess smiled at her mom and dad and left. She trudged upstairs and got ready for bed. She wasn't excited about camp at all and she just wanted to sleep this awful night away. Maybe it was all a bad dream.
The next morning when Jess woke, she found that her mom was packing some of her clothes for her. She was very disappointed that it wasn't all a dream and decided to call all her friends to give them the bad news. She told them to meet her at Mickey's, they gangs favourite fast food restaurant in town.
When everyone arrived they all went inside and found a table for five. they all sat down with gloomy looks on their faces because they all had bad news to break to one another.
"I guess I should tell you guys. I'm going to camp for the summer. Rainy Day Get Away Camp For Girls." Jess sounded really depressed. "I'm sorry I'm not going to be here to spend the summer with you guys."
"Really? Because I'm going to camp too." said J. "It's a Vacation Bible School Camp."
"REALLY? Me too!" said Desiree. The kids got really surprised that she had talked. "Are you going to the one in Alberta?"
"No, I'm going to the one in town." Said J.
"Oh" Desiree said disappointed. "I thought you might be going to the same one I was." Then Desiree went back to her silent self again.
"I'm going to an all boys Catholic Camp." said Kyle. "I'm not too enthused but my parents say it's best for me or something?"
"I'm going to Space Camp." said Rainy. "I'm only excited because I love Space, but I don't want to leave you guys. You're such good friends!"
The kids were really disappointed but they knew they had to leave because they really had to pack. weather they liked it or not, their parents already had the money put in and camp was expensive. Since their parents had invested so much into it, the kids figured it wouldn't be fair to kick up a fuss. So they headed home to pack since they were all leaving in three days. As they walked home they all shed a tear, knowing that it would be a month before they got to see their best friends again.
Rainy Day Get Away Camp For Girls
Jess arrived at her new summer home and right from the beginning she hated it. The camp cousellor showed her to her room and helped her drop off her luggage. Her parents gave her a hug and a kiss, a talk on how much she'll love the camp, a pat on the back and a wave good-bye as they walked off. They got aboard their car and drove off down the dusty gravel road. They were heading home where Jess wished she could be.
"Hey!" Jess heard a voice behind her. When she turned she saw that it was Ashley, the capitan of the cheerleading squad at her school.
"Hi Ashley!" Jess said, pretending to be excited to see her. Jess was a tomboy and the thought of spending the full summer at the camp with a cheerleading bimbo wasn't exactly what Jess called exciting.. Well, at least she could try and stay away from Ashley. Jess sighed, this summer couldn't get much more worse.
"I'm your room mate! Isn't that great?" Ashley said. Maybe she couldn't stay away from Ashley so much as she hoped.
"Why don't we give you a makeover Jess?" Ashley asked excitedly.
"Maybe it could get worse" Jess thought.
"You know, with the right make-up you could EASILY pass as a cheerleader" Ashley smiled. "C'mon, it'll be fun. I know it! You have the right shape for a cheerleader underneath all that butch clothes."
Jess just smiled. She didn't really want to say no. She always liked playing dress-up with her friends at home. Especially when they were younger and the watched Mr. Dress-up. Jess decided there was no harm in it so she followed Ashley into their room.
Ashley handed Jess a cheerleading outfit to put on. When Jess had that on, Ashley sat her down and did her make-up.
"Wow!" Ashley said surprised. "You're really something when you get dolled up." Ashley stepped back and looked at her masterpiece.
"I want to see" Jess said. Ashley passed Jess a mirror and Jess looked in. She couldn't believe what she saw. She actually looked like a girl. "I LOVE it!"
"You should!" Ashley smiled. "You make me jealous! You're so pretty, you should think about joining the cheerleading suqad next semester at school."
Jess looked up from the mirror where she was admiring her new look. She looked at Ashley a while. She didn't know what to say so she just smiled.
Alberta's Vacation Bible School
Desiree's parents brought Desiree to the airport to catch her flight to Alberta. Once there she was going to be picked up by her aunt and dropped off at the camp.
Desiree's parents were real worry worts. Before Desiree left they asked her about a million questions to make sure she'll be alright. Then they hugged and kissed her. Her brother gave her one last "You're stupid sis" and she was off.
Since there were so many questions Desiree had to answer, she was last to get unto the plane. There was one seat left and that was a seat next to Tori.
Tori attended Desiree's school. She also attended Desiree's church. She seemed to be onme of those cases where the parents were trying to straighten them out by forcing them to attend church. Tori dressed gothic. She wore a black shirt with a black skirt and black fishnet socks which reached up to the base of her skirt. She had her hair dyed black (she was naturally blonde) and she had each ear pierced about five times. She also had black finger nail polish and a fiosh net glove on her right arm. The glove's fingers were gone so it was moreless an arm thing.
Desiree was really nervous to sit by her, especially with her two friends sat in the seat ahead of her. Desiree walked back through the aisle and slowly sat down. Sam and Danny, Tori's friends, both turned and looked back over their seats. Tori turned towards Desiree. Desiree was getting really nervous now. All the freaks were looking at her.
"Desiree right?" Tori asked as she smiled at Desiree. Desiree nodded her head, she was very nervous. "I'm Tori" Toru reached out her hand in motion to shake Desiree's hand. Desiree shook her hand. "This is Sam," Tori pointed to the girl with the purple chunk in her hair. "And this is Danny" Tori pointed to the guy with white hair.
"Hi" both said at the same time, and then turned and sat in their seat properly. The plane took off and Desiree was headed to Alberta for the summer.
"So" Tori said looking at Desiree. "Where are you headed?"
"Oh... You know..." Desiree didn't want to say because she didn't want to tell this rebel that she was headed to a Bible School camp.
"Not really..." Said Tori giving Desiree a funny look. "I'm headed to the VBS camp the pastor talked on in church. I can't wait. I love to mix with youth from all over the country and just have a great time learning about Jesus and His teachings."
Desiree was really surprised to hear those words coming from a mouth covered in black lipstick. "So, you attend church because you like it?" Desiree asked.
"Oh yeah" Tori said. "I love it. Been a Christian all my life!"
"Really?" Desiree asked. "I'm headed to that VBS camp too. I didn't want to say because I figured you'd make fun."
"Oh?" Tori looked puzzled. "I get it, it's the way I dress, isn't it?"
"Yeah..." Desiree said. She was now embarrassed.
"Oh, I get that alot" Tori said with a giggle. "Danny, Sam and I decided to dress like this to show that God doesn't care how you look so long as you serve and obey Him. So, how long have you been a Christian?"
"Well..." Desiree said. "I haven't really considered it."
"Oh..." Tori said embarrassed at asking the question. "I'm SO sorry, I just figured because you were in church every sunday. I'm so sorry!"
"It's no problem" said Desiree. "I guess it's the silent good girl act that throws everyone off." Desiree smiled.
"Anyway, maybe we should hang out at camp" Tori said.
"Yeah, that would be fun" Desiree smiled. She now realized that she shouldn't judge someone because of the way they dress. Tori was a really nice person and maybe she would get to know her better throughout July.
Buckwater Catholic Camp For Boys
Kyle's parents had seen that Kyle hadn't been acting like other boys. They feared that him playing with a bunch of girls was making him behave this way. Kyle's parents decided that if he had been sent to an all boys camp he might start acting more like a boy.
Kyle hated the idea of going to an all boy camp. He found that he could make friends with girls much easier. Also, there was another reason Kyle didn't want to go to an all boy camp. Kyle had thoughts of guys. Guys in sexual ways that is. He didn't want these thoughts because more than anything he didn't want to be gay. The only person he told these thoughts he had was to J. J told Kyle that if he was gay it wasn't going to change their friendship, just maybe the sleepovers where they shared the same sleeping space, and then he laughed. Kyle knew J was only being foolish and trying to cheer him up, but it wasn't something Kyle was comfortable enough with to joke about.
Kyle didn't want to go to an all boys camp because what about they had to do things like shower all in one place or something? Kyle would feel so uncomfortable in front of all those guys, especially with the way the male body reacts when it's sexually aroused. Kyle didn't really want anyone finding out about his secret desires until he was ready to come to grips with them himself.
When Kyle's parents dropped him off, they gave him a hug and kiss and told him to behave and listen to Father Jacob.
Father Jacob was the head of the camp. He helped Kyle bring his backpack to his room. Soon after Kyle setteled in, all the boys were called out to the field. There were about a hundred picknick tables on the lawn and all the boys were sat around talking and eating BBQed hot dogs. Kyle noticed that he was one of the last people to make it to lunch. He saw that almost all the seats were taken, except for the one by Justin.
Justin sat at a picknick table by himself. He was teased so much in school. Kyle didn't know why because Justinw as a rich kid who wasn't anywhere near the stereotypical nerd. All Kyle knew is that the vicious rumour was that he was gay. Kyle didn't believe it though because Justin didn't act gay. He figured it was just something the "cool" kids started.
Kyle got his lunch and went and took a seat near Justin.
"Hi" Kyle said.
"Hi" Justin said. "I'm guessing your parents dragged you into this stupid thing?" Justin laughed.
"Yeah" Kyle answered.
"No one comes here on their own free will" Justin said. "Especially you, how close you are to those kids back home. I mean, people with friends don't need to come to camp to try and make them."
"What do you mean?" Kyle asked.
"Well, five of you guys back home are the closest friends ever to walk the halls of our school. Nothing could split you guys up. Me on the other hand, I have no friends, so I come to camp during the summers to try and find some."
"So why aren't you sitting with anyone?" Kyle asked.
"Because..." Justin said. "I tell them I'm gay."
"How come?" Kyle asked shocked.
"Because I am!" Justin said. "And if they don't like me for that, I don't want to be their friend. A friend needs to accept me for who I am!"
"True" Kyle agreed. "So, how cam you be so open about it? Isn't it uncomfortable telling people?" Kyle decided that this summer was going to be interesting. He decided that maybe he should stick near Justin to learn something about how he can become comfortable with the idea. Maybe he and Justin could become better friends, and only friends. There was no physical attraction to Justin what-so-ever. But if Justin could help him come to terms with who he was, that had to be someone worth considering a friend.
Space Camp
When Rainy's parents dropped her off they did the whole talk thing. Then they hugged and kissed her and left. Rainy's mom was really emotional and cried the whole trip home.
Astronaut Bob, the head of the Space Camp, showed Rainy to her room and told her that take-off was in fifteen minutes. Basically take-off was an ice breaker designed to get kids to mingle and get to know one another.
Five minutes later Astronaut Bob returned and told Rainy that he room mates had arrived. When Rainy looked up from the book she was reading she saw that her four room mates were four girls from her school. They were the full executive of the Science club at her school. Quinn the president, Maggie the vice-president, Daria the secretary and Judy, publicity and co-ordinator of activites.
"Hi" all four girls said at the same time. They all looked at each other and said "Jinks" and all laughed at the same time. Then they all snorked.
"Hi" Rainy said with a weird expression on her face.
"What are you reading?" Quinn asked walking over to Rainy's bed where Rainy was sitting. She looked at Rainy's book.
"It's just a book on the wonderful Solar System we live in" Rainy smiled.
"Oh, I love that book! I've read it like six times" said Maggie really excited.
"Really?" Rainy asked. "This is my third time. I love the way Rowsell explains everything in such detail."
"I know, he's an awesome book writer" said Judy. "Have you read his book called 'The Second Star To The Right'? I know, the title is a Disney song, but the book has so much detail on burned out stars and it talks about our sun and everything!"
"Really?" asked Rainy excitedly. "I haven't heard about it, but I'll be sure to order it. Chapters has everything!"
"You can borrow mine until then" said Daria taking the book out of her back pack. "I've read it three times already. I don't mind sharing until you get your own copy."
"Gee, thanks!" said Rainy, realizing these nerds aren't so bad after all.
"No need to thank me, I'm just spreading a little bit of sunshine!" Dariah pointed to the sun on the cover of the book. Daria and Rainy laughed, and then they snorked at the same time. Daria smiled at Rainy. Rainy looked a bit weirded out to snorke like that, but she was really enjoying the company of these girls. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad spending the summer with them after all.
Sunnyville Vacation Bible School Camp
J's parents drove across town to drop J off at his camp. His camp was the closest to home. The rest of his friends were miles away.
J's parents hugged and kissed him and told him that they were just across town so he didn't have to worry.
J was showen to his room by one of the sunday school teachers at his church. Appearantly she had set up this camp.
When J opened the door to his room he heard a lot of shuffeling and rustling. When J looked in he saw Tim, a guy from his school who had a BAD reputation.
"Hello room mate" Tim said smiling at J.
"It smells like smoke in here, is something on fire?" J coughed.
"No stupid!" Tim laughed and showed J a cigarette. "When you opened the door I thought you were Janet. I ran to hide this and open the window."
"Oh" J said wioth a shrug. "You do realize you're at a Bible School right?"
"Oh yeah" said Tim. "Not on my own will though."
"Me neither" J said as he sat on the bed that was his.
"Yeah, my parents heard rumours about praties and stuff so they sent me to this place. They thought a bunch of Bible Hugging, Jesus Lovin', Raise your hands in praise people were going to stop me from the things I like doing, like smoking" Tim blew some smoke out of his mouth.
"Really?" J said. "So you're here to try and be converted?"
"Yes, but the only way that's going to happen is if Jesus steps down from Heaven and tells me to."
"Wow" J said surprised. "That's harsh."
"Wanna draw?" Tim asked, offering J the smoke.
"No, I don't smoke" J said.
"Oh, you don't know what you're missing" Tim said taking another draw.
"I'm sure it's not much!" J said.
"Oh, C'mon, lighten up a bit... wait, are you one of those Honk If You love Jesus people?" Tim asked, not realizing J could of been a Christian.
"No, not at all" J said. He did consider it a few times though and felt really bad when he had to answer that question the way he did.
"Well lighten up. We're gonna have a great summer together buddy!" Tim said as he threw his arm around J's neck. Tim looked at J, "I can call you buddy right?"
"Sure" J said. J was sort of nervous to get mixed up with Tim, especially with the reputation he had. J figured it wouldn't hurt though, come August this nightmare would be over.
"So" said Tim jumping up to close the window. "Have you ever tried E, or weed?"
"No" J said.
"Oh, you don't know what you're missing!" Tim said with a smile. "I know a guy who can get some for us for real cheap when we get out of this prison."
"August can't come fast enough!" J said sarcastically, although he meant it, not for the drugs, but to be back with his friends again.
August 2000
August approached really fast and the kids were soon headed home. The first thing they did when they returned was tell their parents about the wonderful time they had. They also found out that Old Man Winkle's Toy Town had gone bankrupt and had to close.
Jess told her parents that come september she was going to join cheerleading. Her parents could tell that she had gotten some kind of makeover because their little tomboy was now a teenage girl. After spending some time with her parents, Jess ate lunch, got ready and ran over to Ashley's house.
Desiree on the other hand returned with a different kind of makeover. She was wearing all black and she had her lip pierced. Her parents nearly had a heartattack. Desiree explained to them about the friends she had met and the wonderful time they had. She also told her parents all about all these strong morlas they had and how they stood up for them. She also told her parents that they were Christian and while away at Alberta's VBS she decided to accept Jesus as well. Her parents were really relieved and happy for her. They decided that they could live with the outfit if their daughter was living with Jesus in her heart. Desiree ate a big dinner telling her parents all about how she decided to become a vegatarian. Then she got ready and went to Tori's.
Kyle's parents on the other hand was very sad by the news they heard. They sent Kyle away in hopes of him returning more of a man, but instead, he returned with the news that he was gay. Although his parents hated the idea, they accepted it because he was their son. They loved him no matter what and nothing was going to change that. Kyle ate his lunch, got a shower. and headed over to Justin's place.
When Rainy returned home she told her parents that one day she was going to become a scientist. Her parents were very happy that she enjoyed herself so much. They were also happy to hear that Rainy was joining the science club. Rainy was always bright in science. Rainy grabbed a couple of cookies and some milk and went over to Quinn's to talk about what would be a good theme for the scince club mixer in September.
J was different. When he returned home he didn't tell his parents much about his summer. He knew they'd have a freak out if they knew he spent his summer with a druggie. So, J spent some time with his parents, dodging their "how was camp?" questions, ate his lunch, then ran upstairs. He couldn't wait to call his friends to find out how their summer was.
J dialed Kyle.
"Hello" someone answered.
"Hi, is Kyle home?" J asked.
No, I'm sorry, he's gone over to Justin's right now. Is there a message?"
"No, that's ok." J said hanging up the phone. "That's strange, when did Justin and Kyle become friends?" J wondered. J dialed Desiree.
"Hello" Desiree's mom answered.
"Hi Mrs. Jones. Is Desiree there?" J asked.
"She's at Tori's right now. Would you like me to tell her to call you J?" Desiree's mom asked.
"No, that's ok" J answered. He decided to call Rainy.
"Hello" Rainy's dad answered.
"Hi, is Rainy home?" J asked.
"No, she's at Quinn's right now" Rainy's dad answered.
"Ok" J said. "Bye" J hung up. He decided that Jess was his only hope. She better not have abondened him like the rest. J dialed.
"Hello" Jess' mother answered.
"Hi, Jess wouldn't happen to be home would she?" J asked.
"Oh, Jess is over at Ashley's" said Jess' mother. "Do you want me to tell her to phone you when she gets in?"
"No, that's ok" J said. He hung up the phone. "This is strange" J thought. "The tomboy hanging out with cheerleader Ashley, the 'I don't want anyone to find out my secret' Kyle is now hanging out with Justin, the guy who is teased so much about being gay, the silent Desiree hanging out with the in your face gothic Tori and the popular pretty girl Rainy is hanging out with Quinn, the geek girl from mars."
Just then the phone rang. J answered really fast hoping that one of the parents were pulling his leg.
"Hello" J said real fast.
"Hey buddy" J could tell it was Tim.
"Hey, sup?" J asked.
"There's this awesome party going down tonight" Tim said. "You should come down, spend some time with your camp buddy here. It'll be great. Trust me, you'll have the time of your life." There was a long silence. "So...?" Tim asked impatiently.
"Yeah..." J answered. "Sure, should be fun."
"Alright" said Tim, "I'll see you there." Tim hung up. J sat there on his bed in a daze. He didn't really want to go but it seemed that Tim was his only friend at the moment. The only one who cared enough to call the first day back from camp.
September 2000
The full month of August passed and the friends never hung out at all. They never called each other and when they met up at the mall or some other public place, they were too busy with their new friends to bother their old ones.
Jess made the cheerleading squad. She became so popular within the squad that she got to make up the cheer for Sunnyville's big basketball game that was happening in december.
Desiree and her crew decided that the best way to get their voices heard on things was to protest. One day they were protesting taking Bibles out of the school, and the next they protested the cafeteria for not being vegetarian friendly.
Kyle had come out and was best friends with Justin. They never ever did become a couple even though people teased them endlessley about it. Kyle didn't mind the teasing thought because at least he was being himself.
Rainy joined the Science club. She fit in very well and she came up with most of the fund raising and social ideas. She raised alot of money for the science club, and becaus eof her social ideas alot more people joined and became interested in Science.
J, on the other hand, was the only one not enjoying his new life. His only friend was Tim. He ate lunch with Tim, hung out with Tim, and went to parties with Tim. The problem was, once at the parties J was left by himself, leaning against a wall, while Tim flirted with some girl or got high or drunk.
The friends grew so far apart thoughout that school year that they basically forgot that the five of them were friends in the first place.
June 2004
It was June of the kids graduating year. They couldn't believe that the graduation was approaching so fast as it was.
The kids were completly distant now and no of them had anything to do with the others. The closes any of them got was the fact that J sat in the back pew of the church during youth meetings, the same youth meetings Desiree attended. Desiree knew the reputation J had gained though, with the hanging out with Tim and party going he did.
One night at a party J realized that this wasn't the life he wanted. He spent clkose to four years of his life going to parties with Tim, only to get there and be left on his own like a loner. Not only that, but he was pressured in to drugs, which he refused, but then got laughed at. J realized he couldn't take this anymore and headed home from the party.
Once J got home, he took out the pills he had been taking for his depression. He decided that tonight would be his last. He couldn't take his life anymore.
J had got the pills for depression when his parents found out her was a cutter. They rushed him to the hospital where he got treatment and was prescribed the pills.
"Maybe it's better off" J thought as he started writing a suicie note to his parents. "But, I'm going to try one last thing." J picked up the phone and dialed Desiree. If anyone would understand and listen, it would be her.
"Hello" Desiree answered the phone.
"Hey!" It was J.
"Oh, J, hi!" said Desiree, a little confused why J would be calling her. He was one of the bad boy pratiers who only went to church to make fun, or so Desiree thought.
"What's up? We haven't talked in such a long time" J said, sounding like he wanted to talk to someone.
"Oh... Yeah... I know. Well, listen, I was just heading out, it's real important, so, can I call you later?" Desiree asked with no intentions of calling him back.
"Yeah... Sure" J said hanging up the phone, feeling worst then before.
Desiree was listening to her Stacie Orrico C.D so before she left she went to turn off her stereo.. Before she got the chance to, some of the lyrics caught her attention. It was the song called Maybe I Won't Look Back.
"I woke up from dreaming, I dreamed I got a call from a friend of mine, she sounded really lonley, but I had seomwhere to be. I said I'll call you later, cause I really had to go. I can't be late, she'll be ok, this is important, then I forgot completely."
"Wow" Desiree thought. "Mine wasn't a dream... Wait, this is only my concious talking. J will be ok, what would be so important in his druggie life?" Desiree turned off her stereo and headed to the playground. The same playground the kids swaped gifts at so many years ago. She was headed there to meet up with Tori. They were going to talk about their next big protest. Tori told them that this one was important and that it was what Jesus would want them to do.
When Desiree reached the playground she met up with Tori, Danny and Sam.They were all sat in the swings, so Desiree went over to join them.
"So" Desiree said as she sat down in the swing. "What's our next big protest?" Desiree smiled at Tori.
"This is HUGE!" Tori emphasized the huge.
"HUGE" Danny and Sam repeated at the same time.
"So..." Desiree said beginning to become impatient.
"Well, the prom is coming up in a week, you know, Graduation." said Tori smiling. "Our next protest will be tomorrow at lunch and it'll be right in front of Kyle's locker. It's dealing with prom you know."
"Why in front of Kyle's locker?" Desiree was confused.
"Because... He's going to prom. Him and Justin, although they claim to be only friends, are going as dates. Gay people aren't of Jesus and they shouldn't be at this prom either!" Tori said.
"But I don't understand. Why would you do something like that?" Desiree asked.
"Because, being gay isn't being of God, it's against Him" Tori said. "He don't deserve to be at the prom with a gay date!"
"Wait a minute, we're now pickiting people? Since when? It's one thing when they try and take Bible's out of Schools, that isn't right. It's another thing when they aren't treating Vegetarians right and they don't have any Veggie things on their menu's. Sure, I'll pickit those things everyday if you want me to. But pickiting a person, someone who as feelings just as much as we do... Why would we hurt someone like that? And besides, Kyle used to be my friend."
"Yes, he used to be your friend, but not anymore. There is no room in a Christian life for a gay friend. Sorry. But, you know you can do this Desiree. You've become such a great Christian. This is what God wants!" Tori smiled at Desiree.
"No... No, it isn't what God wants. Besides, who are you to say what God wants?" Desiree asked.
"Who are you to say what He doesn't want? He wants us to get rid of this sinful nature!" Tori said now looking angry. "You know God wants this so just fess up!"
"I know that he doesn't want this because God doesn't make flaws in His creation and He loves everyone of His chrildren the same, weather they be a Tori or a Kyle. We're all equal to God you know, and I thought you would know that since you're such a great Christian, and you helped me become a great Christian at that, but do you read you're Bible? If you did you would realize that God is love. and, do you know what love is? well, love is patient, it's kind, it doesn't envy, it doesn't boast and it's not proud. Love isn't rude, it's not self-seeking, it's not easily angered and it keeps NO records of wrong. Love does not delight in evil but it does rejoice in truth. It always protects and always trust, it always hopes and always perseveres. Love NEVER fails. That's all accoring to first Corinthians chapter thirteen, starting at verse four. If you read your Bible you'd realize that in order to be a Christian we must love everyone. If we had to pickit Kyle, wouldn't we be failing him? And love doesn't do that! I'm sorry but I just can't go ahead with this. Sure, you go right ahead tomorrow, but I won't be there to back you up." Desiree turned to leave but then turned back and looked at Tori. "What C.D have you got there in your disc man?"
"Stacie Orrico, why?" Tori looked confused.
"You see, you showed me all about this Christian stuff. I'm really thankful to you for that. I'll never live life as a sinner again. You also introduced me to some great singers. tobyMAC, Switchfoot, Avalon, Jump5, but most of all, the greatest, Stacie Orrico. You see, I was listening to her today and one of her songs told me something that I ignored. I've ignored it for almost four years now. Maybe one of her songs might tell you something? Actually, I think her song Instead might tell you something that you really need to hear, it's number six just to let you know so you can listen. Anyway, I'm off." Desiree turned and ran off.
Tori put her earphones on her ears and turned on the song.
"I don't understand" Tori said confused, looking at Sam and Danny. "This song is talking about a poor guy wanting money for a booze or something. Oh, wait... The chorus." Tori repeated the Chorus to Danny and Sam. "A new point of view, a walk in your shoes. I wish I could get inside your head. To see what you see, when you look at me, cause I coulda lived your life instead."
"Ok...?" Sam looked confused.
"Don't you see? She's trying to tell us that she don't know why Kyle lives his life like he do, but instead, we should try and get inside his head and find out what he's actually thinking. She's saying we shouldn't judge anyone because of their outward appearance, The same statement we've been trying to make for so long. I feel like such an hypocrite now." Tori looked like she was about to cry. She pulled out her cell phone and dialed Desiree's number.
"Hello?" Desiree's mom answered.
"Is Desiree there?" Tori asked.
"No, didn't she meet up with you guys? That's where she told me she was headed" Desiree's mom said. "Oh, wait. She's just coming in now. Desiree, Tori wants you." Desiree's mom passed Desiree the phone.
"Hello" Desiree answered.
"Desiree, I am SO sorry. Please forgive me. I totally see where you're coming from. The Bible verse said so much to me, and the song topped it off. Please come back. I'm calling off the protest. You have a point, Kyle is a person with feelings. No matter what, he is a child of God and we should treat him with that respect. I do know now that it isn't what Jesus or God wants at all" Tori said.
"I can't come back." Desiree said. "You know how Stacie's song told me about something I was ignoring? Well, Maybe I Won't Look Back, because there's somewhere I've got to be right now!" Desiree hung up the phone.
Tori realized that Maybe I Won't Look Back was a Stacie song. She thought Desiree may have been giving her a clue, so she turned on the song.
Science Club Member Of The Year
"Rainy, trust me, you'll get member of the year!" Maggie said, reassuring Rainy. "You've volunteered so much time with the club, and you've came up with so many social events and ideas. You got so many people to join. Don't worry."
"Thanks" said Rainy. "It's just that it's my last year, it's my last chance to get this, so I'm really nervous."
"Listen, we've been friends close to four years now," Maggie said, "there is no way I'll let you be left out this year." Just then there was a knock on Maggie's room door, it was Quinn.
"You know that guy Jason?" Quinn asked with a huge smile on her face.
"Yes, the one who joined the Science club like three days ago. The one you're totally in love with. The one that Daria and Judy are totally gaga over too. Yes, we know him" Maggie laughed.
"He's over at Mickey's!" Quinn squeeled. "There's a live DJ over there, It's something about great artist who are underrated or something, I don't know. All I know is that Daria and Judy are gone to get the table for five. C'mon guys, we're gonna pick the name of the member of the year over there." Quinn turned to walk out the door, Rainy and Maggie followed behind her.
Once there, the five girls sat at the table for five. The one Rainy sat at so many times with her four old friends.
"Ok, I have paper and pens. Each of the executive needs to write their vote for member of the year on a peice of paper, and then me, as president, will tally the votes." said Quinn with a smile. Judy and Daria didn't take their eyes off of Jason.
When the four executive members had their votes cast, Quinn started counting them.
"One vote Rainy, one vote Jason, another vote Jason, three votes Jason. Jason is member of the year!" Quinn squeeled, the othert two girls joining in on the squeeling. Three of the girls ran over to Jason's table to give him the news.
Maggie looked at Rainy and saw that she was hurting. "Rainy, I tried" Maggie said. "You really did deserve is, honest, that's why my vote went to you. Anyway, I'm vice-prez so as much as I don't want to, I have to go congratulate Jason." Maggie got up and walked over to where the other girls were squeeling their heads off.
Rainy sat at the table by herself, feeling worst then ever. She couldn't see how these girls could call her a friend. They used her to benefit the Science club with her good idea's and then ditched her for a good looking guy. Rainy was lost in her hurt when something the DJ said caught her attention.
"This next song is by an artist who is HOT! She hasn't gotten much publicity and so Atlantic Records dropped her. I think y'all should send a complaint to Atlantic Records. So, this is Angela Via with the song Best Friend." Then the DJ started the song.
"Anytime you need a friend, you can count on me. Anytime you're having doubts, you know I will believe. Even through the thick and thin, no matter where or when, on me you can depend, we are best friends."
Rainy started thinking about all the times she had spent at this restaurant, but it was with four different people then she was with now. Four people who wouldn't let her down so much as these girls. Then the next part of the song started.
"Whenever there is something that is trying to knock you down, remember you can call me and we'll get your feet on solid ground. You'll never have to worry, don't you ever walk in fear, cause through it all you'll have someone who's always standing near."
Rainy jumped up from her table. She walked over to Quinn.
"Rainy" Quinn looked at Rainy. Quinn put out her hand to shake Rainy's. "Congratulations on your one vote."
Rainy spit in her hand and grabbed Quinn's. "Congratulations on losing what made your group what it is today." Then Rainy turned and walked through the door. She knew exactly where she was headed.
More Than Friends
Kyle was invited over to Justin's house, so he decided he would go. Justin told him that his parents were going out, so it was a good time for him to come over. Justin's parents didn't like the fact that he was gay and so they wanted him to stay away from Kyle, just in case anything was going on between them.
Justin and Kyle were huge anime fans. Justin was also a big fan of drawing the anime. When Kyle got to Justin's, they went to Justin's room.
"Look, I got this C.D yesterday" Justin said showing Kyle a Pokemon C.D. He put it in the C.D player and turned it on. Then he got out his sketch book.
"Oh, can I see?" Kyle asked. Kyle was a big fan of Justin's drawings.
"Wait, I have something else to show you first." Justin said reaching under his bed. He pulled out a huge bottle of wine.
"Wow, that's full of alchol. You'll be stupid if you drink it" Kyle said.
"Oh, lighten up. You want some?" Justin asked as he opened the bottle.
No" Kyle said with a disgusted look on his face.
"More for me" Justin smiled as he tipped the bottle up to his mouth and got a mouthful.
"Watch out, you'll get drunk" Kyle said. "Now let me see your drawings." Kyle grabbed Justin's sketch book. When he opened it he saw so many Pokemon, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor, Hamtaro and Mon Collie Knight pictures. "These are AWESOME. You should have them in a gallery or something!"
"Nah, they aren't that great!" Justin said. Kyle could tell he was getting drunk very quickly. Justin took another mouth full.
"You really should hold back you know" Kyle said as he turned the page of the sketch book. On the next page Kyle couldn't believe what he saw. It was the first time ever that he knew for Justin to draw this kind of picture. It was a naked picture of Goku from Dragon Ball Z. Justin smiled at Kyle. Then a song came on the C.D.
"Oh, this is my fave song" Justin said. "It's called Together Forever."
"You've been such a good friend, I've known ya since I don't know when. We got lots of friends but they, come and go. Even though we've never said it, there's something that the two of us both know. Together forever, no matter how long, from now until the end of time. We'll be together,a nd you can be sure, that forever and a day, that's how long we'll stay, together and forever more."
Justin put his hand on Kyle's leg. Kyle was starting to feel uncomfortable.
"Do you think we'll be together forever?" Justin asked starting to rub Kyle's leg. Kyle jumped up from where he was sitting.
"C'mon, lighten up!" Justin said forcing Kyle up against the wall. "Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to have sex with me? I mean, it's been almost four years. You've just been there, the only other gay guy in town, and you haven't even offered me any. I've often thought about it you know? There's only so much a horney guy like me can do to keep his feelings under control around a guy like you. So c'mon, let's give it a shot." Justin was really hurting Kyle. He had him pinned against the wall and Kyle's arm was pinned behind his back and hurting. Justin moved in closer, he moved his hand up towards the rim of Kyle's jeans. He undid the button and reached his hand down inside.
"Wow, it's better then I thought. Now doesn't that feel good?" Kyle could smell the wine on Justin's breath. Justin's face was so close to his. Kyle could feel the tears running down his cheeks now. Kyle struggled with Justin and final got his arm free enough to push Justin down on to his bed.
"Listen" Kyle yelled. He pointed his finger at Justin, the look on his face was of pure hate and the tears ran down over his face worst then they ever have before. "That song didn't refer to you because this is where our friendship ends. No prom. No friendship. Nothing. I don't consider a friendship one where a friend is raped. It's OVER." Kyle was really crying hard now and yelling louder than he ever yelled in his life before. "But I've got news for you, there are people that that song refered to. People who would never hurt me like you just did. Those people I turned my back on and for what? I can't believe you did that to me then!" Kyle turned to leave.
"Wait..." Justin yelled, but it was too late. Kyle was gone. Kyle knew exactly where he was headed.
Calling It Off
Jess was one of those girls who had always dreamed of getting married early and living a long and happy life with her husband and family. She found who she thought was the perfect guy, and he proposed to her. Everyone thought she was crazy for accepting because she was still in her last year of school. He bought her a huge gold engagement ring that she had to pick out. He was away on a business trip.
Brad was Jess' fiance and he was 23. He had his own business started in town. He always told Jess that he had to go away on business trips but people in town kept coming up to Jess and telling her that they saw Brad around town when he was away on these business trips. They claimed that he was with Ashley. Jess never believed them, she just thought that they were jealous of Brad's and her relationship.
One evening Jess and Brad decided to go to the public swimming pool. The same swimming pool that she and her four old friends used to go to every thursday for swimming lessons. Ashley deiced it would be fun if she tagged along so the three of them all went for a swim together.
This swimming pool was really realaxing. They never usually had really young kids there during the evening and they always had soft music playing over the intercom.
Once there, the three of them sat on the edge of the pool with just their feet dipped in. Brad sat between Jess and Ashley. Jess felt uncomfortable with Brad sitting next to Ashley because of the rumours that were going around. She noticed that Brad was paying alot more attention to Ashley and it really did seem like he was a cheater by his actions from the time they left to walk to the pool until now. The thing was, Jess felt trapped in the relationship. She felt as if she wasn't going to get anyone else and she really wanted Brad to stay with her no matter what. When Jess looked over at them again, Ashley smiled at Brad and jumped in. They totally forgot that Jess was even there.
"I'm going to get you" yelled Brad jokingly and jumped in after her. They started having a water fight and Jess was left on the side of the pool by herself.
While sat on the edge of the pool feeling full of rage, a song cameon the intercom that caught her attention. It was Best Friend by S Club 7.
"Best friend, never gonna let ya down. Best friend, always gonna be around. You know, whatever life puts you through, I'll be there for you."
"Why aren't you in the water?" Brad asked Jess as he jumped back up on the side of the pool and sat next to her, all the while watching Ashley in her two piece bikini.
"Because I was thinking" Jess said looking Brad in the face.
"Thinking about what?" Brad asked, finally taking his eyes off of Ashley and looking at Jess.
"I was also wondering, are you seeing Ashley behind my back?" Jess looked Brad in the eyes. Brad looked shocked, like he didn't know what to say. "So...?" Jess asked again.
"Wha... What do you mean?" Brad stuttered. "Of course I'm not. I love you." Brad went to hug Jess looking all guilty of a crime. Jess pulled away for the first time.
"You wanna know what I was thinking when you sat up here?" Jess asked.
"Yes I do, honey" Brad said, trying not to sound worried and guilty.
"I was thinking that I have a plastic ring at home that came from a twenty-five cent machine that is worth more then my engagement ring right now" Jess said standing up to leave. "Oh, and just so you know, you can have your worthless ring back. Ashley loved it so she'll be flattered when you give it to her, or anyone of the other girls you're probably hiding." Jess turned her back on Brad and began to walk away. As she left she felt tears run down her face because she really did love Brad, but she knew what she did was for the best. Love is for two, and in that relationship, the love was going one way. Jess knew exactly where she was headed now.
Friends Are Never Forever
When J put the pills in his pocket, he took an old box out from in under his bed. It was filled with pictures of him and his old friends. It brought tears to his eyes as he slowly looked through the pictures. Tears ran down his face and they started dropping onto the pictures.
J was listening to his Jump5 C.D that his parents had bought him. When his parents found out he was depressed, but that he also liked church, they decided to buy him some Christian C.D's that weren't in your face Christian, but rather inspirational Christian songs, to encourage him. When J noticed what song was playing he lifted his head. He sat there taking in the lyrics. It was the song Friends
"Packing up the dreams God planted, in the fertile soil of you. I can't believe the hopes he planted. Means a chapter in your life is through."
"Got that right!" J said sarcastically. "A chapter in my life is through. I think it's time to come to the ending of the book actually" J said standing up to leave. Then the next part of the song caught his attention.
"But we'll keep you close, as always, it won't even seem you've gone. Cause our hearts in big and small ways, will keep the love that keeps us strong. Friends are friends forever, if the Lords the Lord of them, and a Friend will not say never, cause the welcome will not end. Though it's hard to let you go, in the fathers hands we know, that a lifetimes not too long to live as friends."
"You know what?" J said talking to the stereo. "For a bunch of Christian singers you guys are real liars. No one stays friends for a lifetime, especially not when they are apart. I spent one summer, that's it, one summer, away from my friends, and they don't even know me anymore." Tears started running down J's face faster. "I dunno what my mom was thinking buying me Jump5 as an inspirational C.D, but you guys aren't really that inspirational. You guys are liars and you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about."
J Started to leave his room but then stopped. He turned around and went back to the box that was lying open on his bed. He moved all the pictures out of the way and right at the bottom he found WWJD? arm bracelet. J stuffed it into his pocket and ran through his door. He couldn't take the hurt anymore, it was time to end it.
Digging Up The Past
When Desiree hung up the phone on Tori, She ran up stairs and opened her closet door. Her closet was filled with old junk that she never used anymore. She eventually found what she was looking for. It was a Teddy Bear with "Sunnyville Fair 2000" wrote on it. She grabbed the bear and ran outside. She had somewhere to be.
When Rainy left the restaurant, she ran all the way home. She climbed up into her attic and found an old record player. It was a plastic one for her doll. She grabbed the record played and climbed down from her attic. She then told her parents that she may be out a little later then usually and ran outside. She knew exactly where she was headed.
After Kyle left Justin's house, he felt so dirty. He cried most of the way home. When he got home he went upstairs and searched his C.D collection. He found an old C.D right at the bottom of the collection with all his favourite kiddy songs on it. He grabbed it and ran outside. He was headed somewhere and he wasn't turning back.
When Jess returned home from the pool she ran straight to her room. She went to her jewlery box and found an old plastic twenty-five cent ring. She tried to put it on each finger but the only one it fit was her pinky. She left it there and then ran downstairs and out the back door.
J ran until he came to an empty parking lot. This parking lot was once filled with cars and the faces of happy kids. NOw it was growen over with weeds and cracks in the ashphalt. The building that this parking lot belonged to used to be one of the best and busiest buildings in Sunnyville. This building used to bring J so much joy so many years ago. Every saturday was worth lookng forward to because of this building. This Saturday was different though. This Saturday J came here in a depressed state, ready to end it all. Old Man Winkle's was now growen over with vines, and like most old buildings, Kids started rumours that it was haunted. Those kids were right. This building haunted J with memories of four of his best friends, who in his mind were dead. It haunted him with the happiest past a kid could ask for.
J fell down on his knees on the empty parking lot. He took the pill bottle out of his pocket. His hands were shaking like crazy. He fumbled with the lid but his hands were shaking and his fingers were weak. When the lid finally popped off, the bottle fell from J's hands and the pills spilled over the parking lot.
"NO!" J said angrily, more tears forming in his eyes. He reached his hand back into his pocket and pulled out his arm bracelet. As he looked at teh letters WWJD on the bracelet, J muttered, "What would Jesus do?" J closed his eyes. "Jesus, what would you do in a situation like this?"
"He wouldn't do anything" J felt a hand on his back. When J opened his eyes and looked to see who it was, it was Kyle. "Jesus wouldn't do anything because he always had a friend. He had faithful disciples who were always by his side." Kyle smiled at J. "Well, except for Judas. He betrayed Jesus. J..." Kyle paused, tears formed in his eyes. "I'm feeling like a Judas. Can you feel it within yourself to be like Christ and forgive me?" J looked down at the bracelet in his hand, then he looked back up at Kyle and shook his head yes, slowly. J was at a lost for words. Kyle bent down to where J was kneeling on the parking lot. Kyle reached in and gave J a hug. GThis was the best time J had felt in almost four years. J didn't care if Kyle was gay, he didn't want to let go. He didn't want to lose his friend again. He just wanted to stay here and keep the one friend that did come back to him.
"I feel like a Judas too!" J let go of Kyle and looked over his shoulder, only to see Rainy walking across the parking lot. She was carrying the old broken record player that Jess had given her so many years ago for her dolls. Rainy put the player down on the ground and went over to join into the hug. "I see you still have your C.D" Rainy pointed out. Kyle was holding it in his hand and J hadn't noticed it until now.
I kept the Teddy Bear too!" said Desiree joining into the group hug.
"You kept that? I figured you throw it out, you know, since it's white and you're... well..." Rainy said with a smile.
"My world isn't black though, just because I dress in it. I see a brighter furture now that I'm friends with you guys again. You beat any other friends!" Desiree smiled.
"And you guys beat any boyfriend too." Jess said, being the last to join into the group hug.
"Wow" said Rainy, "When did we get so mushy?" The group laughed and stopped hugging. They stood there looking at each other.
Desiree looked down and when she did she was shocked. "J, you weren't thinking... J, those pills, you were... no, you weren't going to overdose were you?"
Tears were still in J's eyes when he shook his head yes.
"Don't worry J, we're here for you now" Kyle said.
"I felt alone. No one udnerstood me anymore. I lost all my friends. Tim only used me. His mother thought I was good because I attened church on sundays and so she felt I was safe for Tim to hang out with. He used to go to parties and hit on girls. He used to get high or drunk. Then he used to tell me to call his mom and tell her that he was staying at my place for the night. I was used. I felt like there was no where to turn, and no one to turn to. I wanted out. So, that's what I set out to do. I hope you guys are serious about being my friend again. I've missd you guys so much. I never want to lose you guys again!" J had tears running down his cheecks but he forced a smile.
"Well, I was sick of hanging out with hypocrites. They only thought they were Christian but all they did was cause trouble. Yeah, Sam may be pregnant for Danny, but it's funny how you don't see those things when your blinded by hypocrice. It's funny how I thought they were awesome Christians. Anyway, I'm my own Christian now. They set me off with one of their crazy ideas, but don't ask because I can't tell you what that was, maybe I well in the future, but not right now." Desiree said.
"Well, that's not so bad as when your new best friend rapes you. Yes, Justin went in for a touchy" Kyle laughed. "I feel dirty, but I know that with you guys, I can tell you things and it stays within our group."
"I wish some people kept things within the group. LIke, someitmes I wish people would seriously keep their promises. I was promised Club Member of the year and got left out because Quinn and her goons had a major crush on some nerd." Rainyt said with a shudder.
"Speaking of goons. Brad was a real goon. You know he cheated on me with my supposedly best friend." Jess alughed. "I told him this ring was better than my engagement ring." Jess pointed to the twenty-five cent ring on her pinky.
"Wow, so I wasn't the only one having a bad time." J said surprised.
"Actually, until tonight, you were probably the only one" Desiree chuckled. "But the whole time, I missed everyone of you."
"I always thought about you guys the whole time" said Kyle.
"Our times together weas always in my memory" said Jess.
"You guys never left my mind" said Rainy.
The kids were all happy that they finally made up. They sat on the parking lot until about 3 in the mornin g catching up on everything they missed out on in each others lives these past years. The next day was sunday, J had big plans.