Title: Two Souls in Hell
Author: Fighter Volk
Series: Death Note and Nougami Neuro Crossover
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: None
Two unhappy demons sit facing each other in a dentist’s office. Dentists have bad reputations everywhere - and hell is no exception.
“I’m hungry,” one remarks.
“Me, too,” the other one says. “I wish I had some apples.”
“I wish I had some mysteries!” Then a sigh: “Alas, all the edible mysteries are on Earth.”
The other chuckles. “I know how ya feel. The only decent apples are over there, too.”
They look into each other’s eyes - then stand and shake hands.
“I’m Neuro.”
“Feel like heading down to Earth when we’re done here?”
“Hell, yeah.”
"Good. We'll have some fun."
They grin mischievously.
Don't worry, I'll write a drabble for the challenge, too. ^^ I haven't posted around here in a while, so I need to make up for that.