bluetooth is being just a pussy atm. Stu's wanting some musix for his listening pleasure while he's on airplanes tomorrow, so he was trying to get my phone to use to transfer files, but didn't seem to catch on that I didn't have my phone's usb so we've been duking it out with bluetooth. Half the time it doesn't want to send, and when it does send, it's at some impaired adsl-esque speeds. Oh well.
I did paint an awesome cool statue I've had since about 4th grade though. Found it up in the attic and realized my skillz had surely become l33ter, thus:
I'm gonna miss stu, but I'm not freaking out about it too much, compared. We watched American Beauty which was pretty good and got our favorite Chinese (soooo hungry) My brother invited us over to play GH World Tour, so we rocked it up this aftenroon.
Yesterday I was cleaning in the attic and I compiled two trashbags of trash and broken or half missing toys. I've become heartless in my old age, to be sure.
oh yeah, final grades:
Statics- C
Materials- B
Linear- B
Calculus- A
3.2, guess my governor's distinguished scholarship is going down the drain! oops