First off; I just upended a very cold very full glass of very disgusting drink into my lap and subsequently, the floor. I don't think anything is ruined, but my rug has some disgusting looking yellow stains now.
Second off; during the last HOLYCRAP EGG DROP time at dragcave, I managed to get an abandoned egg that I did not know I had clicked. It then got clicked twice by the person who bred it (I imagine), so now it's sick because I haven't posted it anywhere. So I will post it now so it will get [some] views but no clicks (to make it not sick.)
Doing statics homework is terrifying. There were some crazy geometry problems that I had no idea how to approach. Well they probably required more trig than geometry, but either way. blank. So I didn't work them all! *swtdrp*
I didn't work all the cal either, but I got the first section of homework done. It's all vector stuff so I am happy until we have to derive and integrate or play with the vectors in ways that are not multiplying dividing or trigging.
Linear algebra is just as mystifying today as it was before, but I read the section and could remember things from class as they were outlined in the book.
I'm ready to start CADing :D