Sep 12, 2006 20:44
The secret to having a large vocabulary is not in knowing a bunch of big words, but rather knowing the words so small that people think they're big anyways.
I'm nearly done with my National Merit essay thing. One other person from my county was a semifinalist. I guess that's neato? :D I think all the names are going to be announced tomorrow or something.
I'm just one out of 16000 people, so I don't have much hopes of being a finalist, still this is pretty awesome to get to this point. (My score thing was 212, low for big states, but still about 20 above the next person who took the psat at school)
I'll have to take the SAT. That'll be scary and stuff:( The deadline for teh october one was today, and besides, stu will be here on the 14th so I wouldn't want to lose four hours away from him, so whatever.
Speaking of SAT, they've got the class rank on there, and I knew I was in the top 5 or 10% or whatever, so I went and filled that little oval in, and Mr. Yaeger, the counselor was talking to our classes about something or other, and this one girl asked about class rank, and he said he would work on it during the next week, since he had to compute it by hand, and then friday I was talking to him about filling out this stuff for national merit and mentioned something about class rank and he just held up his index finger and was like "One, A.B." (he calls me by my initials xD) and it was such a matter of fact tone, it makes me feel so much more secure about being valedictorian.
People have been saying to me for years that I would be, but I keep feeling nevous that say someone [esp those taking calculus this year] would outstrip me ;o
But maybe not.