(no subject)

May 30, 2006 01:01

my dad and I played an amazing game of stock market http://www.boardgamegeek.com/game/3887 this evening.

I'm sure stu was disappointed, because that's time i made him go sleep and not talk to me, but he'll have other evenings which won't be school nights we can do that.

for some reason, this game got crazily high dollar. usually the goal is to 'break the bank' or get $100,000.

At the end, we were keeping up with shares and dollars on paper, and had net worths of 2.6million and 5.4 million (dad and myself respectively)

I had bought several hundred shares in maytag (as in the washer) and was about to roll.

"man if I could get a twelve, that would be perfect!"
"haha, you know the odds for rolling a twelve, that's like being a prospector (in reference to the jobs you can use to earn cash at the beginning or if you go broke. You get $400 for rolling 2 or 12, compare to $300 for 3 or 11 or $200 for 4 or 10 or $100 for 5 or 9)"
"*tries to mentally calculate odds and just rolls*"


"oh my gosh!"
"oh no you just didn't!"


I had landed on the opening square for the maytag stock holders meeting. you can easily double, or quadruple the number of shares you had. my next roll was a snake eyes, the other outrageous low-odds roll for prospecting, and I ended up with many many shares ^_^

it was so great.

game, useless

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