May 16, 2004 21:11
Dear God,
Please make it so that the Lolls and her family can still live here and be all happy so I wont have to cry anymore cuz it makes my nose all stuffy and runny and my eyes get red. Plus if she did go away, I would partially die and that wouldn't be too cool either. And even if she did stay here with her cousins or whatnot, I would still cry cuz i couldn't imagine how hard it would be for her to not be living with her family for senior year, the last year you ever get to live with them. yea so make things alright, please.
Dear Cicadas,
I feel so sorry for you guys. You've been underground for 17 long years and come out, only to find that a car has smushed you, a bird has pecked ur guts out, and/or girls have looked at u, screamed and called you disgusting.
love ya,
Dear School,
Please please please just be smooth sailing from here on.
Dear Prom,
Please don't get screwed up cuz I really thought you were gonna be fun until recent yea I'm anticipating good times from you. Don't you let me down, foo.