Twenty Third Growth Spurt: Work Work Work...

Apr 25, 2008 15:39

[Whole Post Filtered to Chidori]

Well, I found a suit for A.B.A, so whenever you want to go to the beach is good, though preferribly a curse free day would be good. She nice, though a little shy. Nice she's nearly as tall as me too.

Also, business work looks good. I've got to check up on the owner of a Flower Shop where my friend Rem works for association, if you think it's suited. Oh and Miwako told me about how she works of the Shibuya Jive design label on clothes. I said i would talk to you about selling them in the store.

Am I forgetting something...Oh, a friend of mine is looking for work. I know him well and he's a nice guy, he could help with a lot of stuff that we may find hard to do. Plus gives us a guys opinion on things too, expand the market so to speak?

Tell me what you think when you're not busy. I know you've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Just remember I'm here for you. ^^

{OOC: Actually Akindo was the suggestion, mistyped the first time and I didn't know the difference. Hope that's okay. ^^;;}

shibuya jive clothes, swimsuit fitting, beach time!, store to open soon!, chidori, association with other stores, are you okay?, busy business, new employee, a.b.a.

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