Thirteenth Growth Spurt: Little Look at the Future

Apr 08, 2008 18:00


*Voice off in distance as she walks into the room*

Okay Atsushi, I'll be late tonight so you better pick up dinner! I'll bring your drycleaning home with me, but if I walk in that door and find your sweaty basketball kit on the floor ONE MORE TIME I'm gonna...


Wait, where...this isn't our...



[End Transmission]

[OOC: Affected Risa Koizumi is now is now 26 year old Risa Otani, married to her midget boyfriend, now midget husband Atsushi Otani, (finally calls him by first name once in a while) and is working as stylist for various fashion companies in Osaka. Still slightly spazzy, though she has matured somewhat. XD Oh also, hasn't stopped growing and is now close to 5'12 - 6'. ;D Apologies for no official or fanart adult icons, but tried to pick new ones that make her look a little older at least.]

back here again?, fountatin of age, affected, where be my husband?

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