Mar 26, 2008 17:02
Well, I have to say I am glad to be back to normal. Spending the best part of three days stuffed is really tiring, leaving you very little to do. Still, it was nice being so small, something I've always wondered about. I shall NEVER complain about my height again!! My boss on the other hand wasn't that pleased about me missing the busy weekend shifts, so I've been docked pay. Not much I can do about it though...
Thanks Guy for watching over me, that flight was a lot of fun. Dissappointed you can't keep that pink staff? ^_~ And the clam chowder was nice.
And Rem, hope you feel better now this stuff is all over.
What a weird weekend, so many strange things were going on, though Greed was cute as a kid. Wonder if Horohoro is okay? I know he was only cursed as a toy for one day, but he had other stuff hitting him after...
[Private: semi-hackable] would have been his eighteenth birthday. He said on that curse day to wait, still...
I might just go out, maybe get something since I got my wages last week. I'll find something to give him when he shows up.
Yeah, not if he shows, when he shows.He wouldn't keep me hanging on to this hope otherwise, stupid midget.
[End Private]
scary boss lady is scary,
no longer stuffed,
growing up without her,
thank god it's over,
worried for friends,
missed birthday,
stupid midget,
missed work