P-r-o-s.. what?

Oct 30, 2007 23:23

M'boy came out whilst I was waiting for the ads during CSI to stop.

M'boy: What is a prostitute?
Me: (very cautiously) How do you spell that?
M'boy: P-r-o-s-c-i-u-t-t-o.
Me: (okay, not trick question.) Oh, it's a kind of ham, like the Parma we wrap over melon.
M'boy: Har? Can it come in cubes?
Me: Yeah, tastes good!

Actually he's had it before. In Hong Kong we lived over a supermart with a comprehensive deli section. I'd buy anything on sale that can be tossed with pasta.

He asked if my macbook was on (yes), found the browser and keyed in this URL.

tee-vay!, food, son

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