"Hommage à Mozart" by Hermès - Paris
We should have Rockettes and nekkid girls jumping out of cake, he'd liked that.
The scarfies are wearing 'Salzburg' or 'Hommage à Mozart'.
I'll be wearing my
psychedelic mushrooms for the Dream Theater concert tonight. I hope they do some Mozart. :)
The Mozart ProjectHis life and works.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791A tribute.
Midi Mozart!I'm going to get some for my phone. ;)
Mozart's Magical Musical LifeThe story of Mozart's life, presented with love, illustrations, music, and lots of hard work. You know you always wondered about Mozart's full name as well as that of his dog.
Mozart Webquest
Ever played Carmen Sandiego? Visit the rest of the
The Cult of MozartNo dancing girls still. :(
See what esle his name is
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