a few random songs....

Jul 20, 2010 01:16

1. (song) 'Mushrooms and smack"

i watched you walking barefoot in the rain
70 degrees in mid-september
a hand in your pocket, that ring in your jeans
wearing a headache from that night we didnt sleep
our pupils reflected opposite sizes as you laid across my chest
whispering stories of the ones you loved
and the ones that you have left
i traced some freckles to the shape of a bull
as youre eyelids halfway closed
i watched you hang your head, so sad
but sick with admiration
the night dragged on and we continued to talk
comparing stories of love and loss
fell asleep together legs intertwined
birds chirping softly outside
i awoke in the morning, rain poring down
and you filled my thoughts as i drove away from this town

2.(song) 'An open relationship'

i like to listen to you sleep
its like your heart is keeping beat
to a song that we could write
if only we would try
even if it took all night

so tell me baby, what can i do
when all my thoughts are stuck on you
and i just dont know what to do

i hate to see you when you're mad
so many things i cant simply understand
like how you swallow all your pride
just to tell me i am right
even if its just a lie

so tell me baby, what can i do
when all my thoughts are stuck on you
and i guess ill just have to stay confused

i hate to see you when youre sad
perhaps youre sick of all my dumb demands
but you simply still comply
although i dont know why
so i consider you my man

so tell me baby, what can i do
when all my thoughts are stuck on you
and so im just gonna tell you the truth
all i have to say is 'i love you'

3. SilverSpoon (song) 'Friends can be shitty'

ill burn down this bridge with a silver spoon
and i think that i will stay high
until the late afternoon
with all i have to lose
its really not that hard to chose

so who do you think you are
to just walk away
like im some kind of strager
just begging you for change
and who do you think you are
to just pretend
that i was never nothing
not even a so called friend

i had to pick up your pieces
when they scattered all around
and when i needed to be put together
you were no where to be found
so i left those broken pieces on the ground
and decieded to leave town

so who do you think you are
and did you think that id be sad
with wounds that wouldnt heal
but i didnt even get a scratch

'did you think that i would care
when you left me standing there
with the rain pouring down
outside our favorite bar in town
as i waited for you to come around'

who do you think you are
to just forget the past
well our memories are gone
and im never fucking looking back

4. (process of becoming a song) 'My mistakes'

please,baby,please, let me explain
i have regret for the way i behaved
i just needed to be loved and knew you felt the same
but now we're stuck in a broken past
neither can escape

i was blinded in that moment
so i coudnt see other ways
to continue in this life
or to live another day
you were the shining light
that guided me the way
and now that its burnt out
i simply sit at wait
for some hand to come and grab me
and lead me on my way
and hopefully that path
will lead me to my grave

you compromised your purity
to satistfy my needs
and when you needed me the most
i made you watch me leave
i used you as a glue
to mend the broken me he made
and foolishly thought
my love could help you do the same

5. (writing, rambling) 'Its too Late'

its been what seems like a lifetime
since ive felt his skin on mine
i catch myself looking at his letters
memories of better times
when we'd sneak off together
in the middle of the night
we hated when the sun
would bring the morning light
we thought it'd last forever
but where is he now?
still under our maple tree?
where we planned our dreams all out?
we had the ultimate plan
of deserting the midwest
in search or soemthing new
until his wife came with the news
she didnt know the who the father was
it could be one of two
but couldnt blame either of us
as her stomach grew and grew
it was myself i blamed
for leaving him right then
i felt some unfinished businesss
i had to attend
but it was january 19th
he knew he was a dad
'just looked into her eyes
there's no denying it'
we tried for a while
eventually we tried
to make our love exist
but with this little life
it quickly went to shit
i cant blame the baby
as it was my choice to leave
but the future that we planned
now had no place for me
and through all the heartbreak
and lies on both of our sides
we did some shitty things
to fuck eachothers minds
but at least he ended up happy
i know his heart still wanders
and he thinks that he should be
whatever that they tell him
a real mad should be
but i know i hell never be as free
as those days we spent together
if just a faint remember
or maybe we'll meet in some random dream
and finally be complete

6. (too personal)

hes got everyting now
his plastic wife
his hollywood life
and all thats left
is a name in a frame
on these baren walls
that fill up my days
where im left all along
the only reminder of you

i want to have meaning
i want to be deep
i want to create
i want to be free
i want you to want me
i want me to want me
i want to be complete

i want the world to change
but it all stays the same
i want the sunlight
but its always night
but at least i fought the good fight

the work keeps spinning
as i stand right here
and obsess and regress
through all of my fears
ive wasted the past seven years

how did i get here?
was it really my fault?
i let them slip through my fingers
abd its its hard to be srong
when i know i was wrong
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