Sep 26, 2004 15:54
i'm sitting here waiting for 5:00 so i can go to work .. so i figured i'd write in here while i wait to pass the time.
so i got a new computer, but it's still managing to suck.. it's better than the old one, but our cable modem isn't hooked up yet, and it's pissing me off.
i'm at a total lack for sleep lately. all i do is work, and drink. and it needs to stop. unfortunatly, i don;t have anything else to do with my time.
so this weekend was pretty beat. i had thursday off, so i sat around slingin' ink all day with amanda, and eventually ended up stretching my ears again. 5/8" .. i think i'm done. especially after mark's fuck-head comments about the huge holes in my ears. even though he has huge holes in his ears, with no plugs in them, that will never close because of his stupidity of stretching to an inch. friday i had work 10:30-5 and in the night phillips was going to have a party, but it of course didn't work out. it ended up being me and him sitting around for 2 hours drinking. so i decided to leave and join michelle babysitting at robins. we didn't get out of there till 2:00, and couldn't find anything to do, so we met up with mark at bill's to see mark's new giant huka, be yelled at by bill's across the street neighbors, watch lame porn, and listen to some drunkula rable on and knock shit over. so we left around 4:30, went to mcdonalds for ice cream, and crashed in michelle's bed.
i woke up at 8am to come home and take a shower for the day. i had the day off work again, and again NOTHING to do. and my mom wasn't going to be home all day, so inevitably, i had the car to myself to do what i wanted all day. so at around 2:00 i journey'd to slingin' ink to visit and bullshit, and left around 4 to see hayley for her sister's birthday party. i was comfortably nice. i wish i could have stayed, but due to lack of having my own car, i couldn't. i'd have to wake up so early and drive home before my parents got up. and that would be a rough thing to do. so i left hayleys around 6 or so, to race back to scranton before it got dark out heh [i didn't wanna drive all that way back in the dark by myself.. yeah, i'm a biitch]. so i called home to check in, and went to see michelle at work and tell her about the monstrosity i heard earlier in the day at the shop. uuggghh. you probably don't wanna know. after seeing michelle, i went back to the shop, and hung out until i figured out what i'd do for the night. so i ended up picking up ashton and denzel, and going to phillips' to hang around. and it was quite the interesting night i suppose. i've decided i still can't stand mark. everything about him just makes me despise him more, but like him more at the same time. and i hate dealing with it. so he and i passed out on the couch, and i got home around 7:30 this morning in a blur, to find that my mother was awake and sitting at the kitchen table, so i rambled onto her about how i fell asleep at phillips' and i went upstarid and slept until about an hour ago.
but anyway. enough of this.
i have to go dry my hair, and finish getting ready for work. i hope doreen is working. and josh. and luke... and ben. and the hott pizza trainer? .. heh.