I now have a bit of a fascination for bookbinding. I can't really describe why but there's just something about this that is very interesting. My first test of Japanese stab binding turned out alright but not fantastically. Instead of a hole punch, tried out the brand new book drill. I added an extra hole by mistake and now know that I have to sand the paper a little on the outside to neaten it. Still, if you don't take into account my shoddy photography, for something made out of scrap paper, scrap yarn and an old pamphlet, it doesn't look half bad does it? XD
Something else that I've been doing is participating in NaNoWriMo this year. I've promised myself and made plans for the past four years which went nowhere. This year is perhaps the first year in which I've been able to make the commitment. I think actually signing up helped as well XD
Also have plans for future stories/novels after a chat session with a friend. There's potential to collaborate on one of them as illustrated novellas/light novels. But that's a "we'll see".