muti por mutilación

Aug 29, 2003 21:17

The American Recording Company or whatever it's called going after song downloaders really affects the quality of the songs I download. What a shame. Remember the time where you could find perfectly good files on KaZaA?

There was an Australian University fair going on the Barranquilla Plaza hotel, so Lauren, Mapu, Tito, Manuela, Freddy and I went to check it out after McDonalds. The place was pretty coold: It had been decorated with little road signs that said "Kangaroo/Wallaby/Koala crossing" (Tito wanted one of those so badly, he even asked the lady in charge if they could give him one), Australian flags and inflatable kangaroos, frogs and platypusses. We saw two short movies about Australia and then a woman started giving a presentation about the institution that organizes this, the visa and application processes, and the courses available. They gave us the cutest little stuffed koalas afterwards. So cute. Lauren's was missing a nose, so she named it "Muti" for "mutilación". After that, we were checking out the tables with the brochures and booklets. We weren't sure if we were allowed to take them, but Lauren asked and they said it was okay, which lead to this hilarious piece of conversation...

Freddy: Lauren, no seas tan agresiva. Esto no es un mercado.
Lauren: Se supone que tenemos que cogerlos. Para algo los pusieron ahí. Ademas, ya yo pregunte.
Me: Si, y fijo tienen mas ahí guardados. Y es solo por hoy así que además no es que tengan que durar.
Freddy: Igual. Pareces que estuvieras mercando. Solo coge unos cuantos.
Lauren: Whatever.
[goes off to another table with Manuela]
Lauren: (after about five minutes or so, comes back laughing hysterially) La vieja me vio y me dijo: como que estan mercando no! :p

I guess you had to be there. But that had us laughing for hours.

Manu: Freddy, why is your bag the heaviest?

Freddy's such a priss. :p

We left the fair a little while after that, but we decided to go up to the 25th floor to check out our view. We tried to find our houses, and we tried sneaking into the kitchens in the 26th level restaurant, but we chickened out of it, because we kept hearing loud voices coming from upstairs. Tito said he felt a childhood urge to play "tum, tum, corre corre", so he made us hold the elevator while he knocked on doors.
(We later heard that president and his comitee or some Brazilian delegation is staying in the hotel, so I wonder if we knocked on the door of someone really important?)

Anyway, we headed for McDonald's for lunch. Manu went insane mixing all the sauces (she's a little obsessed with mixing things) and she made me try all of them with my fries (she was feeling overly-thankful because I lent her money for a burger). For the record, fries with barbecue/ketchup mix? Good. Fries with mayo/mustard mix and fries with McFlurrys? Great. Fries with a mayo/mustard/ketchup/barbecue mix? Heavenly. We just laughed a lot during that meal. I'm one of those people who, when in the right mood, will laugh hours on end without stopping (the proof? Lauren's house, last year, laughed over half and hour on how the piece of tape I'd pasted to my mouth tickled when I talked). It makes people laugh to see me laugh that hard (before they get really annoyed), so it was an ongoing joke throughtout the day.

Tito: (as we passed through a construction site with angry looking workers) Raise your hands if you feel intimidated! :D

Me: (on McFlurry spoons) I keep thinking they're straws, because they have a hole in them, and I want to suck on them.

Lauren really wanted to see the McDonald's freezer again (we saw them a few years ago after our traditional post-RUAH McDonald's trip), so she asked the manager to give us a tour. He assigned us a totally cute cashier as our "tour guide". He showed us the freezer and the freezer-within-the-freezer (set to a toastin' 10°F) and proceeded to lock us in there for a minute or so. Without any lights. Oh, how we screamed. And laughed. And screamed. (I almost lost my koala because it fell to the floor during all the hysteria).

We waked to Andrea's house so we could rest there for a while. I left shortly afteward, because I was so tired, but Paola, Andrea's maid makes the best lemonade ever. Mmm. Lots of laughs there too.

I love my friends.
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