(no subject)

Aug 10, 2003 02:27

I went to Subarashii, the local Japanese restaurant, with my parents, Camilo, Isabella and Susana (I was helping her with her English homework - which consisted of me translating her assigned reading into Spanish. Very dull work). I saw Rober there, with Santiago and two girls. I think I recognized one of them as a girl from my brother's grade, but I'm not sure. He looked well. Really short though. Food was good, and we went to Yogen Früz for yummy frozen yogurt afterward.

Lauren, Mary and Lauren's La Mina best friend Andrea were supposed to hang out at Mary's house today. I was supposed to go, but I had to go out to dinner instead. The plans were not quite decided when I left, but I wonder what happened with that? Andrea has visited Lauren several times, but by some strange, contrived occurrences, I've never gotten the change to meet her. I'm dying to do that.

My brother and I have fallen into an odd pattern of Buffy episode shifts. He'll watch an episode of season two, and I'll watch an episode of season four. Season two is my favorite, but then again, I haven't seen all of three (I should see that before I watch the fourth season, but I really had a craving for it). It's odd, sharing an obsession of mine with him. He keeps making intelligent, well-thought out comments on the show, and we share a lot of the same opinions. For example, he said: "Giles and Jenny were a really good couple. I felt so bad for him when Angelus killed her in Passion. Man, that was brutal. Anthony Stewart Head was great in that scene.". He even downloaded a Top Ten Buffy/Spike Moments video from Kazaa. I'm starting to get scared. :p

(Then again, he also spends a lot of time drooling at schoolgirl!Darla. But he's fourteen. I expect that)

The new school year is approaching quickly, and I am not ready for it. Not at all. I'm going to be a junior. That's too much responsibility for someone as flakey as me to handle. Doesn't God or whatever higher power is out there realize that? I shouldn't be allowed to grow up. I don't want to grow up. I want summer to last forever.
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