In case anyone on my flist actually has time and interest.
St Dymphna's Academy is currently accepting new players.
SDA, for those of you who aren't aware, is a Mary Sue Academy RP.
What does this mean, you might be wondering?
It means all the characters are Mary Sues or Marty Stus. In a school filled with them.
The students of SDA are given typical Mary Sue or Marty Stu traits- but the hilarity comes from trying to play the charater straight, in the sense of accepting consequences to their behavior while at the school, or trying to make them the most Sueish or Stuish character possible- just to watch them flail in this new environment where they're no longer special, or unique.
Indulge in creaing a one third human-fairy-elf mix who is also a OCD katana wielding cyborg, or a bewinged genius sniper princess who has something of a weight problem, or any bizarre combination you can think of.
And then play them according to how you made them and see what happens next.
Both student and teacher applications are being accepted until the ninth of July, and the next game semester begins on the eighth.