Before you ask, yes, this is a copy-paste of the thread at the Board. XD
I've got the first scene of the second Radio Play to show you guys, and if this first one is any indication, this one will sound MUCH better than the first.
The Main Cast for the Radio Play:
Sara, as Agent Orange and the Fern
JulyFlame, as Agent Sam Apple and the Daisy
Huinesoron, as Agent Mortic Wentway and the Sunflower Official
The Trojanhorse, as CAL-9000
And Currently Undisclosed Persons in the roles of the Console and Fangirl.
This link has both radio plays now separated into two different folders, radioplay1 and radioplay2. You probably want to listen to the contents of radioplay1 before you listen to the second radio play if you haven't listened to it already.
Link to Audios folder. Then, there's also the second mission that I had written up for July and Library.
It's clearly labeled, right here.
It should be pretty easy to spot, right? Also, a
personal website of my own that I've been adding onto in the past few days.
It'll eventually have more on it, but right now it has two very short stories, a page of links, and a PPC section which says absolutely nothing at all.
And tha-
Huh. It seems I forgot something. There's another
MP3 here that was of an insane length. I've cut it down to a bit less than thirteen minutes so everyone else wouldn't kill themselves having to listen through it all.
(That said, I apologize for the quality of that last one, for "Gilty Cin". I've not been in the best of conditions for recording myself talking for any length of time, so that was hard, specially since occasionally I kept going into coughing fits. XD Apologies and thanks to pigeonarmy for listening through to the first uploaded version of it and telling me what to fix, though some of his advice is going to need to wait until later "broadcasts".)
Also, a general questionnaire regarding the wiki.
Do you use the PPC wiki, and for what?
Do you add any articles?
Do you use the Current events page to check for stuff?
What do you think are areas in which the wiki lacks?