Nov 29, 2008 01:15

Seriously.  I'm enjoying my family.  My mother's up to the usual, but it's nothing a little anti-anxiety pharmaceuticals plus red wine can't help.  Otherwise...we're good.  Tomorrow, Dad's making pancakes and we're watching (more) football.  I'm kind of looking forward to it?  I don't even know.  I think the Månatlig Family* may have just broken one of Kripke's Seals.  For serious.

IN OTHER NEWS:  One of you unhinged readers was kind enough to nominate me in the Salt & Burn Awards.  I don't know what possessed you, but you made my week, you crazy loon you.  Thanks for that.

BUT there are a bunch of really good fics still missing from the list.  I've nominated quite a few but I think it's time to make that list a little more robust.  So go forth, read the rules, and nominate your favorites.  Nominations close tomorrow (the 30th) so GET ON IT, PEOPLE.

PS:  saberivojo , progress is being made.  I just want you to know that you have not been forgotten.  It's my first time writing something like this, so I'm kind of making shit up as I go along, but then again what the hell's new.

*Månatlig is Swedish for 'monthly'.  Because I am a ginormous dork.

drunkery, writing, real life, psa, family of origin

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