Below the cut are a random assortment of videos I've accumulated over the last few months as well as West Wing quotes. No ranting on my part, I promise. Everything's humorous, but it does have a bit of a slant to the Left.
Bartlet: I was watching a television program before, with a kind of roving moderator who spoke to a seated panel of young women who were having some sort of problem with their boyfriends - apparently, because the boyfriends had all slept with the girlfriends' mothers. And they brought the boyfriends out, and they fought, right there on television. Toby, tell me: these people don't vote, do they?
Your neighbors are voting. Are you?
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Josh: What possible reason would he have for not writing a concession speech
Sam: The wrath from high atop the thing?
Toby: He upped and say we were gonna...
Josh: No! You gotta go outside, turn around three times and curse.
Toby: Spit.
Josh: Spit and curse.
Toby: Do everything.
Josh: Go!
Toby: Go!
Josh and Toby: Go!
Great Rant or Greatest Rant of All Time?
Donna: Schadenfreude?
CJ: You know, enjoying the suffering of others. The whole rationale behind the House of Representatives.
Pfriend or Pfoe?
CJ: That was fun! Sanctimonious little guttersnipe sent a great big fat one up and over the plate. Health care reform! From a guy who's still on the fence about the application of leeches!
Matt Damon on Sarah Palin. Unintentionally hilarious.
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Abbey: What are they doing?
Bartlet: Eating their young.... It's a free-for-all. I think Aaron Burr's got 20 votes.
Are you a Real American?
Vinick: A Republican President ended slavery.
Santos: Yes, a liberal Republican; what happened to them, Senator? They got run out of your party! What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party? I'll tell you what they did. Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things, every one. So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor.
Les Misbarack: Possibly the greatest thing I've ever seen.
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The moral of the story is: please, vote. I don't care if you do write in Aaron Burr on your ballot. It takes a lot of balls to kill the Secretary of the Treasury. I respect that.