thank goodness LJ didn't take this icon

Apr 21, 2010 14:44

Okay, Sarkozy. It's time for you and I to have a little chat. Sir, this is such bullshit I can't believe you're actually considering it.

You are perfectly welcome to believe whatever you want about the full veil. But this is such tripe I can't believe your minions are saying it out loud: "The ban on veils covering the whole face should be general, in every public space, because the dignity of women cannot be put in doubt," [Government Spokesman] Chatel said.

Follow me here, Mr. President: Legislating what women can and can't wear in public does not protect their dignity. It's paternalistic and patently prejudicial against Islamic women in particular. Against, in fact, just 1,900 women. In this bill, which you have ordered to be written, would you like to fine these women? A de facto tax on 1,900 people whose clothes make you uncomfortable? Would you like to arrest them? That would be totally fair. Or would just like them to stay at home where their visible interpretation of religious text won't make you feel all icky in your tum tum?

The French parliament is already slated to discuss a nonbinding resolution on May 11 that sets out political principles, including the need for women to keep their faces uncovered.

Listen, jackass, America's a funny country. We love our guns and our Double Down sandwich things and our monster truck rallies. And we've got our fair share of birthers and crazies. And we've got a long ass way to go in terms of gender equality. But women's faces = political principle? Even we think that sounds fucking ridiculous. Those 1,900 women who choose to wear the full veil do it because they believe it's part their dignity as both females and Muslims. Not every Muslim woman does it, but everyone should have the option. Forcing them to expose their faces in public or telling them to stay home is the height of asshattery. What you're doing, Mr. President, is pointing at those 1,900 women (1,900) and saying: NOT IN MY BACKYARD, MUSLIM LADIES, TAKE OFF THAT VEIL SO I CAN GIVE YOU SECULAR DIGNITY THE WAY THAT I, A DUDE, HAVE DEFINED IT.

Sarkozy insisted that "everything should be done so that no one feels stigmatized," Chatel said without elaborating.

Good luck with that, asshole.

wwad?, politics, asshat

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