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Jan 31, 2007 17:21

So I went to see the Royal Shakespeare Company’s ‘Anthony and Cleopatra’ the other night, which had Harriet Walter playing Cleopatra and Patrick Stewart playing Anthony. He seams to be doing the rounds with the RSC at the moment. I saw him in the Tempest just a couple of months ago. He was a great Prospero, but then that production was fantastic all round.

I really enjoyed this one but then I’ve never seen a production of Anthony a Cleopatra before so I don’t really have anything to compare it with but I love the play, it has some great lines.
Monica and I keep arguing about it. Personally i think that the bit where he finds out that Cleopatra’s still alive in hilarious, but Monica says it’s tragic and I just have a nasty sense of humour. The thing is though, there he is, lying on the floor, having completely failed to kill himself properly, -I mean honestly how difficult can it be? Iras managed fine- and in Runs this Bloke and says, “good news! Cleopatra’s alive!” and he’s all like “oh crap”. Seriously, how is that not funny? Okay so perhaps I do have a slightly nasty sense of humour.

Anyway all this got me thinking about that program ‘Rome’ which was on last year (a little uncultured of me I know, should be concentrating on the Shakespeare right). You remember the one with these guys in it:

I miss that program, I used to sit around a discuss it with Monica. Anyone else watch it?
I hate this time of year. The TV’s so rubbish. No Rome, no Spooks, no Doctor who. Sooo very bored.

Two of the girls on my bus had birthdays last week (two of the nice ones not the general overflow of spoilt brats) , and being broke I ended up painting them both presents. For Maddie who is a slightly anti-social emo, now 13 year old, I made this as a card, since the image has been going around my head since she turned up in a red and black Chinese style top:

And for Alicia, well Alicia is eight and for reasons that I cannot fathom her sister (who is part of the general overflow of spoilt brats) lets her watch the most disgusting horror movies. Anyway one day Alicia told me she was scared of the dark, so I told her that when I was little and got scared I use to imagine a guardian angel standing next to me (which is true), and she could borrow mine for a little while if she liked. Anyway I felt it was about time that she had an angel of her own, so I made her this:

I always felt like hers should have long, white pigtails for some reason. Anyway, I put a bible verse on the back. One of my favourites actually. Matthew 10:29-31

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

I’m not sure she’ll get it yet but maybe she will when she's older.

Anyway, overall quite a productive week I feel. Totally behind on my homework though.

rome, art, tv, theatre

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