Picspam for Utopia -because I feel like it

Jul 16, 2007 23:43

Yeah, I know this is like four weeks late, but it was a bloody good episode and I said I would do it so….

Screencaps stolen from because i'm lazy like that

Hey, we’re in Cardiff. We haven’t been in Cardiff for yonx. Actually, people who watch this show must think that the UK's entirely made up of London and Cardiff. There are other places, honestly.
And what should we find in Cardiff but…

Yes, it’s dear old Captain Jack. Anyone who has seen the finally of Torchwood will know that this doesn’t even slightly add up to what we saw in those last five minutes. But who cares. It’s Captain Jack! *Bounces*

‘Oh crap it’s my ex…who I carelessly abandoned on a space station full of dead bodies, somewhere in the distant future.’

Following the Sarah Jane incident, the Doctor’s formulated a new plan in concern to dealing with his exes….Run away!

Unfortunately,  (for the Doctor, not for us) since we were last here, Jack’s become super!Jack, complete with immortality and slightly better hair.
See with anyone else this would be creepy and stalkerish, but with Jack it’s just cute.

Yay! TARDIS porn is the new tongue porn!
“We’re accelerating, into the future…we’re going to the end of the universe.”

“Doctooooooooor!” Did anyone else laugh hysterically at this bit? When I read this in a spoiler I thought it was some kind of joke…ah well.

This guy’s looking a little down on his luck.

Ah yes. It’s a bunch of people gone crazy and cannibalistic on the edge of space… with self inflicted disfigurement and lots of piercings.  Firefly *cough* Firefly.
I think I’m going to call their leader guy ‘Bob’

I love these two characters. Although I can’t believe that I didn’t realise that anything was wrong what with the mysterious drumming and his being called Yana and all. It was rather worth being oblivious for this episode though.

Goodness, there’s a mysterious box shaped object on the scanner. I wonder what on earth that could be.

“Not even the Time Lords came this far. We should leave. We should go. We should really really go…”

You’d think after having all his blood sucked out through a straw, being possessed by a sun, stuck in the sixties, slapped by Martha’s mum, electrocuted, changing species and back again ect, he might just have learnt the meaning of caution by now. Oh who am I kidding?

And what should we find outside the TARDIS, but Jack, complete with rucksack…nice to know he’s prepared.

Hehe. I love this picture. It’s so nice after the general miserable ness of Torchwood, to see Jack pulling funny faces…

And flirting with Martha…Yay! Jack’s Back!

“Oh don’t start.”
It’s quite funny how they just fall back into their old roles, given that both the characters have changed so much.

*looks at the Doctor…looks at Jack…Looks back at the Doctor* All the prettiness, it‘s making me dizzy.

It’s when it start flicking between their faces that it gets really confusing.
“Same as ever…Although, have you had work done?”

“You can talk!…
You abandoned me.”

“Did I? Busy life moving on.”
Oooo. Hit him Jack. You know you want to! I’m sorry. I love Ten, I really do, but that was cold.
Poor Jack. He’s like a puppy that got kicked and left on the edge of the roadside, and he still keeps coming back for more. The worst thing is how much he trusts the Doctor, (remember the ‘never doubted him, never will’ statement of series one) and he just LEFT HIM BEHIND!

But it’s alright, because they have Rose related hugging. Yay, for Rose related hugging! And also long coats. Yay for long coats! *G*

Aren’t they adorable? I’m becoming rather fascinated with Jack/Ten. There’s something rather sweet about it all (on Jack’s side at least). Although I think David Tennant doesn't do the male/male UST quite so well. Christopher Eccleston was very good at the slightly flirty bits between them.

“So there I was stranded in the year 200100 ankle deep in Dalek dust, and he goes of without me”
Ah, there’s that resentment we’ve all been looking for.
“But I had this…he’s not the only one who can time travel.”

“Oh, excuse me. That is not time travel. It’s like I’ve got a sports car and you’ve got a space hopper.” Ha! The Doctor’s been waiting to come back on that Screwdriver line for a long time.
Poor Jack getting stuck in 1869. :-(

“Do you just get bored of us one day and disappear?”
“Not if you’re blond.”
“Oh she was blond, what a surprise!”
This is why the Doctor usually sticks to one companion at a time. Any more and they start ganging up on him. So he tells them of for ‘blogging’. Interesting choice of word there RTD.

So, that’s all the conversations that everyone’s been wondering about for months and months over and done with. What do we do now?

Well, that guy looks like he’s having a laugh.
(Incidentally how cool is that city in the background).

Why should he have all the fun. We want to be chased by cannibals too!

Yeah Bob! You get those pesky humans!

Fortunately the “Silo” is nearby, and in the meantime we get to watch Jack and the Doctor running. :D

Look, it’s the kid off blue Peter…I think. Is it really bad that I spent the whole time thinking that he was a she?

“Captain Jack Harkness, and who are you?”
Yes, who is he? Seriously?

I like that Jack pulls the Doctor back here. I bet he would have spent a lot less of this series nearly dying if Jack had been around.

That has to be the ugliest space rocket that I’ve ever seen, but apparently it’s supposed to get these people to Utopia. Personally I’d rather risk the cannibals.

The Doctor has a fan.

And Jack gets to flirt with Chanto. Everyone’s happy!
“Stop it!”
“Can’t I say hello to anyone?…Maybe later blue.”

“Oh my God!” Oops. Someone’s in trouble.

“You’ve got a hand? A hand In a jar! A hand, in jar, in your bag.”

“But tha…that… that’s my hand!”

“I said I had a Doctor Detector.” That’s just his excuse. We all know he’s really been using it for hand porn.

“You grew another hand?…All this time and you’re still full of surprises.”
Oh dear. This is the first time that Martha’s actually really annoyed me as a character. I think it’s partly due to the fact that Jack’s presence pushes her into the background a lot, and partly because of all the Rose resentment.
Still, the Doctor needs someone to suck up to him after finding out that no one’s heard of him at the end of the universe.

“Every human knows of Utopia. Where have you been?”
“Bit of a hermit”
“A hermit, with er friends?”
“Hermits united. We meet up every ten years, swap stories about caves. It’s good fun…for a hermit.”

“that rocket’s not going to fly is it. This footprint mechanism thing is not working.”

It made me laugh that he just handed his coat off to Jack like that. Poor Jack, he’s been around for twenty minutes and he’s already been downgraded to the role of Ianto.

Fortunately the Doctor is wearing his glasses of infinite sciencey-ness and so manages to get it all going.

“I forgot to tell you. I’m brilliant.” The Doctor's been smiley for most of this episode, so obviously angst is on the way.

Martha gets a cute scene with possibly-a-girl boy.
“What do you think it will be like…?”
“My mum used to say the skies were made of diamonds.”
*Wibbles* Poor possibly-a-girl boy.

“You built this system out of food and string and staples. Professor Yana, you ‘re a genius.”
Yes he is. Run away Doctor! Run away now! (Also he uses the word “stella”. I love that word. That’s my new favourite word. That and “Indomitable”).

Yay, it’s the TARDIS! Oh wait…that’s not good.

You see it’s the “sound of drums” line that should have given it away. Poor Doctor. It’s sort of sad that his new friend turned out to be evil.

Meanwhile Martha’s busy inciting Chanto to swear. Go Martha!

Look, it’s a purely random, plot moving radiation room!

You see everything would have been fine if someone hadn’t left an -is that and anvil?!- lying around. Why do they even need an anvil at the end of the universe? Did they suddenly feel the need to do metal work the old  fashioned way?

But now crazy canabal lady’s destroyed some scary machine looking stuff, and this person’s disintegrated…

And Jack’s dead…again (and being given mouth to mouth by Martha). I can’t help envying Freema somewhat at this point. He character seems to have found the best excuse for kissing all the good looking male types.

“You’ve got a room which no man can enter without dying…well (he says taking his glasses off in a cool, posey sort of way) I think I’ve got just the man.

“Was someone kissing me?” I love Jack. He’s so adorable. I've already said that like twelve times haven’t I?  Well, it’s still true!

Look at the sexy runningness!
The way that Jack and the Doctor work together in this episode is fantastically cool. They’re incredible in sync. They should definitely get together, but on a sort of on-off basis, like they’d meet up every so often for a shag. *ponders*

“What are you taking your clothes off for?” (because he wants to shag you Doctor!)
“…by the looks of it I’d say the stet radiation doesn’t affect clothing, only skin.” (Fan girls- *Mass sigh* ‘it doesn‘t effect clothing at all?’).

 “Well, I look good though.” *Nods furtively*.

It may just be the red lighting, but there are points when the Doctor looks incredibly sinister and evil in this scene. I half expected him to try to finish Jack off or something. :S

Jack’s list of deaths is ridiculously long and varied. Sort of makes me want to write fan fiction. He dies a lot more than the average person doesn’t he. I mean even the whole coming back to life thing, he’s died twice in the last few hours. It's a bit careless really.

“It’s not easy to look at you Jack ‘cus you’re wrong” Ouch. That’s harsh. I mean I’m glad that they didn’t pass it off because we all know that, much as we may love him, the Doctor’s capable of being something of a bastard, but just ouch.
But he at least admits to being prejudiced. And, yay, Rose flashbacks! And Jack admits to stalking her, like we all knew he had.

Meanwhile, professor YANA’s drawing up some conclusions. Oh dear.

“Do you want to die?” Seriously, look at the evil.

And professor YANA has a Fob Watch. I know that it’s about to bring about their doom, but isn’t it pretty? I wonder what it says. At this point I was actually starting to wonder if he might be the Doctor from the future, which is a little bit stupid in retrospect.

It’s a good thing that Martha, while kind of relegated to the background in this episode, is still reasonably switched on, although she loses points for suggesting that YANA opens the watch.

I love that you can just see the growing dread. He’s already worked it out really, but he doesn’t want to believe it.

But no it’s definitely happening. You can see the exact moment that he changes.

“I...AM…THE…MASTER” Oooo. I got chills.

Poor Doctor. He’s being chased by Bob and co. and knows that all is lost and he’s still trying to save Professor YANA.

Oh, and Freema and John are so laughing in some of these scenes and working very hard at covering it up.

Ha! It’s revenge of the bug people (person). Poor poor Chanto. Though it’s got to be said that the Master’s doing pretty well. He only got his personality back a few minutes ago and he’s already committed genocide and set a bunch of raging cannibals on the Doctor and co. Go Master!

Poor Doctr. Locked out of his own TARDIS by a yale lock. That has to sting. He sounded so lost in this scene, I just wanted to hug him (well, more than usual anyway).

‘Ahhh. I’ve been shot by my assistant!’ (actually he says ‘I’ve been shot by a girl’ which I feel is a little small minded of him considering he’s from waaayyy in the future and all) The Doctor probably ought to take this as a warning to treat his own companions better.  
‘Never mind. I’m going to regenerate into John Simm so I can be pretty too!’ *reminisces about Life on Mars*

I adore John Simm as the Master. I really do. He’s just so much fun! Is it bad that I didn’t really fancy him until about five seconds into this scene? The whole evil thing makes him rather hot.

I get kind of stuck here between the fact that part of me sort of wants the Master to win, and part of me wants to hug the Doctor 'cus he sounds so desperate.
“I’m asking you really, properly just stop. Just think!”

“Use my name.” 
OMG! I mean I knew the Master was sort of kinky and everything, but this along with a certain phone sex call conversation in the next episode really makes it a scarily obvious.

“Master…I’m sorry.” And you know what I said about David Tennant not being quite so good at UST when playing against male characters. I take it ALL back.

Ahhhhhh. We’re all doomed! Or not because now we know what happens next week…and the week after that. But you know. That’s what I thought at the time.

So in summary, this was SUCH a great episode, even though the overall plot didn’t actually matter that much, and Doctor Who has turned me into a total slasher. RTD wins again!
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