Doctor Who -Episode one comentary

Apr 01, 2007 15:33

Okay, so just for the first episode of the new Doctor who series I thought I’d do a commentary, ‘cus, well I’m bored. This’ll probably be the only one I do, but who knows. Pictures shamelessly stolen from I can't get them up any bigger so wanna see a bigger image, just click.
Spoilers obviously. Don’t look if you don’t want to know.

First impressions. Hmm, well she’s very pretty. Certainly can’t question the Doctor’s tastes. Pervy alien.

Have you ever noticed that there’s something strangely quaint and old fashioned about all these women’s names. I mean have you honestly ever met anyone below the age of fifty named Martha? Or for that matter Rose? Also, they’re ALWAYS from London. Just once I’d like a companion from Bristol, or Yorkshire, and Norfolk.

Goodness! It’s a mysterious, suit wearing stranger.

That was weird.

Ooo yes. She’s far too sweet looking to not be evil.

So very, very pretty. My goodness I’ve missed seeing David Tennant every week! And in the pj’s from last Christmas. Even better.

“Benjamin Franklin, …I got rope burns off that kite, and then I got soaked, and then I got electrocuted!” Sorry. I love it when her blurbs on about random historical figures he’s met.

And just for my own personal gratification, one more. Ok I‘m done now.

But now they want to put him in a psych ward.

Right so, could she be a companion?
Good at screaming. Check.

Ahhhhh! We’re on the moon!

Did someone call for a Doctor?…In a strange, new blue suit.
Yes as my younger brother pointed out, it does bear a slight resemblance to the Austin Powers suit.

Good at asking inane questions so that the Doctor can show off his incredible knowledge. Check.

So we’re stuck, in a hospital, on the moon. What do we do?

Check out the balcony of course!

Ahhh. So Adiola was her identical twin cousin. But of course!


Sucked dry with a straw….

What a way to go.

Dear god! It’s the invasion of the large Rhinoceros men. Whatever shall we do?

Ha! We shall take you out, with out blue lights…

And our evil black markers of doom!

Is it me or does that guy look a little like a younger version of Wilson from House? Maybe it’s just the doctor’s coat.

“So are we trespassing on the moon?”
No. Apparently the moon is no man’s land. I feel like we should own the moon. It being our moon and all. Yep, thought about this wayyy too much.

I’m including this picture, just because that facial expression is brilliant.

Jadoon Platoon upon the moon. Oh well done David! There is no doubting that that line was put in purely to throw him off on the accent.

And this is what happens when you use half a pot of gel on your hair.

Definitely evil.

Good at running. Check.

It’s only Röntgen radiation. We used to play with Röntgen bricks in the nursery. *Pictures ickle baby Doctor playing with radioactive bricks.* Awww.

Put you left foot in, left foot out…

First Rose, then the suit, now the red chucks! I’m gonna cry.

Nooo! Not the sonic screwdriver too!

“You must have a partner or something.”
Queue sad emo-y moment where we all stare off into the distance and think of Rose.

But oh dear. As if the Rhinoceros men and the evil straw bearing vampire lady weren’t enough, now we’re all running out of air. 
Oh! Companion check. Understanding. Check.

I’m afraid I’m going to have to snog you now.

But do not despair Doctor/Rose shippers, he is merely giving her a “genetic transfer”.

But try telling her that.

We get it! She’s definitely  companion material.

Noooo! Evil straw bearing vampire lady has got the Doctor.

But fortunately she is disintegrated by the Rhinoceros men and the day is saved!
Except that there’s still no air…and the Doctor is dead…

And that x-ray machine is going to somehow blow up half of the world in a matter of minutes! *gasp*

She just wants and excuse to kiss him again.

Ahh, two hearts. She’s a bright one, isn’t she.

Poor Doctor isn’t looking so good.

Now this, this is unfair. She gets kissed, AND heroically carried, all in her first episode! Rose was around for two series and we never got this. 
Just pointing out, he’s just had his neck punctured by a straw. Shouldn’t there be lots of blood?

So, world rescued, girl saved, and dramatic looking-out-the-window-while-it’s-raining-scene achieved

Oh, looks like Martha’s family is going to be even more annoying than Rose’s. Don’t you sort of miss the good old days when companions came without all the extra baggage?

Ah, that’s what that thing earlier was about. Also, this is an oddly suggestive picture.

“There’s not much room. We’d be a bit intimate.”
She thinks she’s going to get shagged.

No such luck.
“It’s bigger on the inside.”
“Is it? I hadn’t noticed.”
Explaining all this has got to get really boring after the first sixty or so times.

“Rose, her name was, Rose…and…we were together.” The Doctor/Rose shipper in me cheered at this part. Can’t get much more obvious than that.

“Not that you’re replacing her.”

“For the record I’m not remotely interested. I only go for humans.”
You liar!

This should make for an interesting relationship.

Overall I like Martha. She seems kind of sweet, rather fun, Quite sharp. Sure she’s not Rose, but she’s someone new and interesting, and as long as she doesn’t completely replace Rose, I’m fine with that. May need a few weeks for her to grow on me, but that’s pretty normal. Bring on ‘The Shakespeare Code’!

review, picspam, doctor who, tv, commentary

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