Not Good News

Jun 16, 2011 17:06

I had my follow up appointment today to check on my blood pressure. It was kind of a chaotic mess from the word go. I arrived at the birth center to find out that my midwife had had to rush off to collect a sick kid from summer school. No biggie, her student midwife was there, and I like her a lot. There was a replacement CNM there as well, with her student. First thing they did was check my blood pressure, and it was 146/86. Better than last week, but still not what they wanted. After being poked and prodded by all three of them as they checked baby out, they all checked my blood pressure and the final determination was 140/98. Not good. And when I peed in a cup, I had a little protein in it. So they asked me a zillion questions, and, thankfully, ruled out pre-e, for now. I have pregnancy induced hypertension, and I have to start taking medication for it. I go back next Wednesday for another follow up. So at this point, I’m going every week from here on out. On the bright side, the swelling is waaaay down, almost nonexistent, and my bed rest is all but lifted. I just have to lie on my left side for 45 minutes, 3 times a day. Oh yeah, and they want me to continue with the nettle tincture, and eat lots and lots of protein, fruits and veggies.

To top all of this off, I’m exhausted because I woke up at 12:30 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. I’m about to eat something, and then I’m going to pass out. So if this seems super disjointed, I blame it on lack of sleep.

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