Jun 10, 2011 17:46
I had my 36-week appointment today. My doctor was really late and was behind on all of her patients, so I ended up waiting for 2 hours before I even got to see her. Bummer. =( Anyway, I gained 6 pounds this week, but she didn't get onto me and she thinks that a lot of that weight gain is due to water weight. I've been very swollen these last few weeks. I'm measuring at 42 cm, which is just 1 cm more than I was last week. Last week, when I gained 5 cm in two weeks, she didn't act concerned, but this week was a different story. She checked me and I'm not dialated at all, 75% effaced. Through this whole pregnancy, up until about three weeks ago, I've carried the baby really low, but he's suddenly pushed up into my ribs and I'm carrying very high. My doctor seemed very worried about this combined with my sudden weight gain and that I'm already 42 cm at just under 37 weeks.
I'm rambling, I know. I do apologize. I'm freaked out.
Anyway. My doctor told me that I need to seriously consider the option of a C-Section. She said that she's not going to force me into it, but the baby seems very large and she's worried that he's not going to fit into the birth canal. I'm scheduled for an ultrasound next Thursday to determine the size of the baby and the amound of liquid he has, but my doctor is pretty sure that he's already very big. After my appointment on Thursday, we're going to discuss whether I want to be induced or have a scheduled C-Section. I'm so lost and I have no idea what I want anymore.
I feel so uninformed suddenly. I've known for the past month that the baby is really big, I just feel it and I really think that he's big. I've always been open to the option of a C-Section, but now the thought of it is scaring the heck out of me. I also have the option of being induced, but my doctor told me that if the baby is as big as we think he is, I could be in labor for a day or two and still end up having a C-Section.
I need some thoughts from you all. I'm planning on reading some birth stories tonight about C-Sections. I just feel like I don't know anything about them all of a sudden! Any advice or comforting thoughts that you all have are more than welcome. Thank you for reading my rambles here!