666 number of the beast.

Jun 06, 2006 17:30

the only picture I have of my sidekick, i've had him for about 8 months and I do not go a second without it. You can't see the bumpers but they are just like the heart. white bumpers with swarovski crystals. 40 fucking bucks for those. ha. Survery time. Oh its also 6606. Which fucking means, its the number of the beast and THE FUCKING OMEN opens today, all of us have tickets for the 10:30 showing at Springdale. I believe it is Me, Heather, Stephen, Stephen's friend from Loyola, Brittany, Jen, and possibly Jay, Jen's boyfriend who likes Detroit BUT they lost ahahah:) sorry had to add that.

Also with that said, Thursday starts NBA FINALS. DALLAS VS. miami. Guess who is my team, yeah The mavericks. DIRKDIRK.

survery time.

A is for Age:

B is for beer of choice:
i don't drink. let alone beer.

C is for career:
i dont need a job right now, january 07 i start school, pre med. when im in my 30's i'll be a childrens shrink.

D is for your dog's name:
marilyn, elliott, molly, chalupa, ginger.

E is for essential item you use everyday:

F is for favorite song at the moment:
jenny-mountain goats.

G is for favorite game:
life(board game.)

H is for home town:
Barre, MA.

I is for instruments you play:
none, before I die I'll learn the violin.

J is for favorite juice:
apple, or white grape.

K is for whose ass you'd like to kick?
people from metamora/peoria. central illinois.

L is for last hug?

M is for marriage?
I'll have a ring on my finger this time next year. Probably 2009 we will be married, or we are waiting till med school to be done so 8 years.

N is for name you would rather have:
Laken, but that will be my daughters name.

O is for overnight hospital stays:
tooo many. Last time was this time last year.

P is for phobias:
death. dying. death. dying. wet wool, people fucking my daily rituals.

Q is for quotation:
The secret to true happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible.

-Bertrand Russell.
The most brilliant man.

S is for status:
taken, two years July 3rd.

T is for time you wake up:
3pm, right before ER.

U is for underwear:

V is for vegetable you love:
green peppers or green beans.

W is for worst habit:

X is for x-rays you've had:
more than 30.

Y is for yummy food you make:
stuffed shells, cheese. Heather and I make them.

Z is for zodiac:
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