Aug 01, 2006 20:24
So I just finished the mountain of German homework I had tonight including a really rage-inducing 150 word essay (in a foreign language, that's a lot) So in order to help turn my frown upside down, i'm going to laugh at how dumb my essay was. I hope you'll join me.
And so, with the help of the google translator, I present to you my German essay... in English. (if you're curious, the topic was "imagine american society in 50 years" and I decided it would be easiest to just be really really pessimistic.)
In the next fifty years, I believe American society would become worse. Now American society is already terrible and it becomes worse and worse. We have too much drug consumption, consumption of alcohol, and criminality. Our society is too violent. In fifty years, we would have many criminals and not enough prisons. AIDS epidemic disease would be still incurable. Population of over (that should be "overpopulation") and social unrests would be very large problems. Everyone would be offenders (delinquents), who would be drug addicted. The force would witness to war (Should be "the violence would beget war"). Hard drugs would kill many people. Dealer would operate cocaine, marijuana, and heroin drug trade. The children would become stupid, because each training (school) were destroyed. Many people would unemployed be because the job market would be too competitive. It did not become vacation or holidays gave ("there would be no holdays or vacations"). All meals would be fat-rich, calorie-rich, disgustingly, and artificially. Everyone vegetarians would become because all meat karzinogen (cancer-causing) would be. In the next fifty years, which American ones (just "Americans") would be very deprimiert (depressed) because the society would be so mad. During this epoch, höffe I that I do not live (I basically meant that, "I hope i'm dead during this time").
Yeah, so, as you can see, I was kinda stretching it after the "schools are destroyed" line. As a matter of fact, I think that line was a manifestation of how pissed I was about this dumb essay. I had to use a type of grammar that i've never learned before too so it was tough. On that note, I think this is one of the worst essays i've written, so if you know any German speaking people, see if they can fix the following travesty...
In den nächsten fünfzig Jahren, glaube ich amerikanische Gesellschaft würde schlechter werden. Jetzt ist amerikanische Gesellschaft schon furchtbar und sie werde immer schlechter. Wir haben zu viel Drogenkonsum, Alkoholkonsum, und Kriminalität. Unsere Gesellschaft ist zu gewalttätig. In fünfzig Jahren, würden wir viele Verbrecher und nicht genug Gefängnisse haben. Die AIDS Epidemie wäre noch unheilbar. Überbevölkerung und sozialen Unruhen wären sehr grosse Probleme. Jedermann wären Straftäter, die rauschgiftsüchtig wären. Die Gewalt würde Krieg zeugen. Harte Drogen würden viele Leute töten. Dealer würden Kokain, Marihuana, und Heroin Drogenhandel betreiben. Die Kinder würden dumm werden, weil jede Schulen zerstört waren. Viele Leute wären arbeitslos weil der Arbeitsmarkt zu konkurrenzfähig wäre. Es würde keine Urlaube oder Ferien gaben. Alle Essen wäre fettreich, kalorienreich, ekelhaft, und künstlich. Jedermann würden Vegetarier werden weil alle Fleisch karzinogen wäre. In den nächsten fünfzig Jahren, die Amerikanischen wären sehr deprimiert weil die Gesellschaft so wahnsinnig wäre. Während dieser Epoche, höffe ich dass ich nicht leben.