Mar 29, 2010 16:01

Someone PLEASE talk me out of writing my Sex, Gender, and Language paper on SPN and slash. D: The idea hit me and won't let go. It seems easier than my original idea, which was analyzing one of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels (Monstrous Regiment) linguistically in how it protrays women and stuff. But if I do it on slash, there seems to be more class articles I could use to explore women's desires, and queering the text and portrayal of masculinity, shit like that.

I'm kinda scared tho. It seems so...public. Like outing myself as a crazy slasher. Am I being too paranoid? It would be easy enough to print it out at the college library or something, so my family doesn't see it. It seems like it would be worth it tho, it's an interesting topic. It helps that there's that online Journal of Transformative Works - I'm not just a crazy fan, real academics are looking at this stuff! I'm no gender studies or linguistics scholar tho. I dunno if I could do it justice. And I'm a little scared slash won't be as fun anymore - I read it for enjoyment, would looking deeply at it make it not as fun? Or would be worth learning more about a topic I enjoy?

Ha. Big help, self. I've half-convinced myself to go and do anyway. XP

supernatural, college, meta, fic, wincest, fandom

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