Jul 05, 2012 00:19
Our Fearless Leader is being a beach bum in Florida. (Gods know she deserves it!)
So, is ANYONE writing?
I managed 2105 words today. That's it for the month.
Work safe snippet:
Some of the settlements had slavery again. All of them required work-debt to the community in lieu of monetary taxes. But some had started taking captives from other settlements and using them as forced labor. The day a community could capture a technician was a red-letter holiday for the community.
He'd never been enslaved, but he'd come close to owning one back in the settlement before last. He'd almost bought a sturdy farm worker to take care of his house and garden while he did technical work for the community. It was hard trying to feed himself and work. Produce went off quickly without refrigerators and he didn't know how to cook most of it. He'd eaten a lot of raw squash that summer, as people paid him in vegetables for his electrician work. There would be refrigeration this summer.