(no subject)

May 19, 2006 15:22

I want to go to the horse show. There's horses/riders that I wanted to see this afternoon, but I'll have a chance to see them again either this weekend or next. After all, I can go tonight, tomorrow morning/afternoon, tomorrow night, and Sunday morning. I think that's enough? I'm seriously addicted to it. The horses are beautiful, I never get tired of watching them move. And next week, *I* am riding. Maybe someday soon I'll have a horse to show so I can ride in the regular classes, but for now, I can use this time to figure out what's going on.

I'm bored and want to be out of here. It doesn't help that it's beautiful outside, after a week or more of rain. The lake is completely still and shiny, like a mirror. If I can bill at least one more hour today, I'll be good to go.

I'm hoping my new cell phone battery arrives today because my phone does not work at all unless it is plugged in.

Well, this was kind of pointless.
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