[something vague]

Nov 06, 2006 08:52

Minimalism seems to be the way my journal has been going lately. I try not to write only when I'm upset, but I only want to write when I'm upset, so it's a Catch-22. I'm not upset right now, even though it is quite early on a Monday.

Things currently going on:

Saturday night my license plates were stolen. You may say to yourself, "Lisa, that should upset you!" But alas, it doesn't. It's a bit of a pain in the arse, but in the grand scheme of things... whatever. It's pretty ridiculous and odd, but that seems to be the way dealings go when it comes to my life and automobiles. I've accepted my fate. I tried to go to DMV when they opened this morning, but the line was wrapped around the building. I'll continue to risk driving with no plates until later in the day. I have a police report and all, plus a super ghetto sign taped in my back window with my plate number written on it with "(Plates Stolen! - Reported)" written on it. Hopefully it will suffice for a while longer. So random.

I've been pulled into doing a skit at work tomorrow for our United Way fundraiser. Why do I always jump at the chance to participate in things? Oh, right, I'm an overachiever. I get to be the Wicked Witch and somehow encourage people to donate money. We'll see how that goes.

About a month ago I got to spend a glorious day in the Maryview ER. I was scanned for cats and got to roll past the morgue on the way. That was uplifting. It was not my appendix, it was a girl part issue, and as a result I will be having surgery on November 30. Not a huge deal, but a little nerve wracking. Think nice thoughts about my girl parts on the 30th. I know you always do.

Halloween was good times. How could it not be? Little Red, the day after, was the costume. Any time I can douse myself in fake blood and wander around with a huge fake neck wound, I'm a happy camper. I do wish for more opportunities to cover myself in fake blood. It is pure joy. Plus hanging out with cowgirls and boys (dead and alive), prospecters, vampires, owls and various other ghouls can't be beat.

I'm sure there are more stories about things that have gone on since my last reporting. But for now, these will have to do. Things are good... better than they've been in a while. I'm having a good time, not deliberately trying to alienate or upset anyone and being pretty happy. That's what it's all about, right?
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