Jun 18, 2004 15:17
Making the Case to Quit:
You dread going every day. You dread playing every day. During the games, you could care less about the outcome, as long as it gets over fast. Extra innings are not exciting - they are annoying. You suck pretty badly right now, and no one REALLY thinks you can do it, least of all yourself. Coach thinks you’re obnoxious. You don’t have time to work or see your friends or spend some time on the beach perfecting your tan. You don’t have time to take college visits, which is what you REALLY need to do most of all. You are easily frustrated by the game itself and no longer enjoy playing. You act like you’re fired up when really you don’t even want to be there. Your throat hurts from yelling the same five meaningless sayings over and over. You sit on the bench, just like you’ve been doing for the past three years. The season is not even near half over and you hate it already. If you quit, your spot would be easily filled by Ashley or Kailey. I’d hardly be letting my team down, on account of I’m not doing them a shit bit of good right now anyway. You want to get the hell out of this city but you can’t because you have mandatory softball all day every day. Mostly, you harbor nothing but negativity for the situation as a whole. This is not a healthy, productive attitude for the team or for myself.
Making the Case to Play:
You’ve always rolled your eyes at people who quit, although you secretly envy them. Softball is the one thing you’ve stuck with all throughout high school. Except for choir, of course. You love taking infield. This year, at last, you love your team and everyone gets along really well, for the most part. However this may be our last chance to actually get anywhere. We always compete in our games. Colleges don’t like people who quit. Other people don’t like people who quit. You, personally, don’t like people who quit. Senior night next year will be the rockingest thing ever.
You see, the former list is much longer than the latter. And I had to work really hard to come up with the latter. Ah man, I really hate softball.