Зимняя сессия геолога закрыта. средний бал 5.0.(три досрочно, один сегодня) Ну и славно!
Слушала вчера McFaul'а в Амер.Центре. Душка! И очень активная молодежь (МГИМО, Плехановский) громко и четко задавала умные вопросы. Короче, DREAM BIG DREAMS!
В ожидании начала встречи листала журнал MIND вот этот номер
http://www.scientificamerican.com/sciammind/?contents=2011-07В статейке Outsmarting mortality:
http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=outsmarting-mortality"...along the path of life, people vary greatly in how often they get injured, incur illness or coast along in a comfortable state of health.
Considered at a distance, genetics and luck seem to explain a lot. But if we really understood why some people live longer than others, we would likely have diminished the gap by now. When epidemiologists and physicians discover some lifestyle choice or biological factor that leads to a longer and healthier life, they can then attempt to design intervention programs to ameliorate the health prospects of the population as a whole."
А в статье о билингвизме
id=the-bilingual-advantage про его очевидную пользу как детям, так и престарелым!