Feb 23, 2005 20:11
Yeah, so why is jeyo such an asshole?
So he had just finished backing up my truck so we could unload the heavy cases of water, and i say so hey, you back up trucks good. and hes like yeah, i bet you would have backed it up into the pole and then started over etc. etc. just insulting me left and right. And he has done this before! where he just puts on a stupid voice and says dumb shit saying thats me. it really hurts me, that he thinks im stupid. i dont like being treated that way, who would? Isn't a boyfriend supposed to be caring, and encouraging, etc? So I was like JEYO! IM FUCKING TIRED OF IT! SHUT THE HELL UP! and he just stopped and stopped helping me and walked to his car to leave and I was just like what a fucking asshole. Then he comes back to finish helping me and when he comes back outside I was like "I dont appreciate it when you talk about me like im stupid. I just don't expect it/want it from YOU." And he said "Like you never hurt my feelings" referring to me breaking up with him 3 times. But that is not fair, why does he have to bring up the past? why cant he just understand that it makes me feel bad and just stop it. man im almost in tears again. HE SUCKS SO BAD! I really feel like the string holding us together is wearing out.
Okay, all for now.
Please comment. Am I right for feeling this way? Or should I just not take it too seriously?