Thought it was pretty funny that Jack Thompson tried to have the PA guys arrested because they're donating to charity.
Also thought that this was a great ad on their site:
It made me giggle anyway.
But what to really talk about! It's been many many years since I've been to the Texas State Fair. Despite my statement to
CDRhom and
Ironhammer, I believe my previous calculation of time was incorrect. I believe (would have to double check) that the last time I went was after my senior year of high school. I came down to visit friends because I was invited to go to South Padre Island with one of my best friends and her family, and before we left the DFW area, we stopped by the state fair for the day.
Regardless, this time was very fun. We looked at cars, we rode the BIG WHEEL and a couple other rides, we saw the Bud Clidesdales (those are big freakin horses), looked at the livestock (more horses, these less big), looked at the Big T Man, and went through the haunted house.
The haunted house was very very fun :)
CDRhom had class, so
Ironhammer and I got a snack and dicked around on the UTD campus for an hour and a half or so. However long class was. Apparently us dropping CD off was good for at least 10 minutes of hilarity because we wouldn't stay (I was kind of shakey from the heat and such and needed something to nibble on desperately).
After school we went to The Unpronounceable Temple (I.E. Kalachandji's) for some nice food. Seeing as how anything that had more flavor than some steamed veggies probably would not have sat well, that's what I stuck with. Steamed Veggies and Rice. And some yummy Pineapple Havala for desert.
Last night was also fun, because we watched the Wallace and Grommit movie, and then came home and watched
Sahara. I absolutely love Wallace and Grommit. My dad subjected me to them when I was in middle school by showing me the Wrong Trousers. SO ADORABLE! I laughed so much during that movie, and the other as well. I really need to purchase those movies. I also agree with CD, that I want to read more of the Dirk and Al books by Clive Cussler. They seem to have a very amusing banter. I'll have to pick some of those up once I'm done listening to the rest of the Dark Tower books (Since 5, 6, and 7 won't come out in cheap paperback until ZOMG MUCH MUCH LATER!!!)
Dave also informed me today that Quake 4 started shipping. I need to try that.
What else? I'm tired, but enough to that I can't actually post any worthy LJ posts because that level of consciousness has shut down in my brain. The best I can do is recount my day, read a book, and watch whatever else these guys are watching.
I cannot wait until this coming weekend for TexyCon. Zanna and Zippy from the BF are driving down from OU over the weekend, and we're going to GAME and GAME like fools!
*passes out*