Mar 04, 2006 01:53
today was pretty cool
first off
i ate breakfast?
ok so i'm not quite sure where it became good
maybe the horse lol
no that was funny but actually
the thing that started my really good day was in the NortheAST 2ND FLOOR HALLWAY
i was just walking around because i had like 15 minutes to spare before i went to study hall
so anyway, i was walking and i spotted Joe(last name unknown at this point, just some emo/punk that hates all the music i like and sits at my table in lunch, i enjoy messing with him) Mike(kid in my global class) and Briana(girl in my Earth Science class that i'm sure Yolanda Caitlin and Katie know
so anwyas i spotted them and in the very moment that i decided to say hi, Briana's hand flew accross Joe's face
i just stopped and a second later, after Briana stormed off, i just cracked up
it was the funniest thing i'd seen all week lmao
in 5th and 6th period i had to talk to Briana and Joe, it was just hard not to laugh about it each time it came up lol
after that incident, my day was just good
in 3rd period, i was gifted with the odd site of a cowboy sitting on a horse in front of door 16... that was a bit wierd lol
of course 3rd period(global) was good as always
Alisson quickly quizzed me on the material which would be on our, well, quis that day
it was then that i realized i really wasn't certain about everything on it
once again unusual for me in that class
maybe it's that i always have my mind half on Global, half on Alisson hehehe...
after global Alisson asked me to tell her something about myself i hadn't told her already... i like the way things are going lol
so anyway i told her i'm irish
i think i should ask her out soon
after that the day just kind of moved on
humorously as usual
but normally
other than the fact that i KNOW i flunked the math quiz we had
my day was predonminantly positive
also a few minutes ago i realized that my past actions and attitude have made him beleive i am EXTREMELY negative... i really don't like that
i'll admit i have a knack for keeping one eye on the yin as well as the yang, but i really have gotten better
i'm alot more observant in favor of all
i say the glass is half full
i'm VERY MUCH like my old self
the one that several people i know now either don't remember or have never met
of course in this enlightenment of mine, i've held onto some of the previous Julio's beliefs
but in general i'm happy
my insides only ache when i'm hungry
i'll admit seeing "cute little couples" kissing in the hall my attitude does warp a little
but that's due to some simple and common residual jealousy
nothing big
besides, Alisson is really cool, and i really think she feels the same way about me
so i'm not negative anymore
ive become a better person through this proccess i believe
and so i will stop talking about this lol