Ash Thursday!

Feb 17, 2010 10:58

Trust me, I am not religious at all! I had enough of that when I was growing up and my family forced that stuff down my throat.

But yesterday on Twitter everyone was going on about lent.

I thought that could be a good thing to do.

Which proves that some of the catholic traditions could be useful if used right.... (just saying)

So! For 40 days and nights am I am going to give up 2 things! One fandom thing and one general thing.

For fandom I am giving up during lent: no staying up in the internetz passed midnight. So, no spazz after midnight! (This is hoshiko_malfoy 's idea and i thought I would support her in this and well an interesting thing to do)

For general life I am giving up for lent: biting my nails. Before you judge me and tell me how gross that is, this is a very bad habit I've had since I was a child. It is a nervous habit and I have been trying to quit it since forever. Somehow I can think that I better bite my nails then stuff my mouth with junk food or smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol (just saying).

The most hard thing to do in this little list is stop biting my nails. It has become such a habit that I do it without thinking about it....

So I hope to be able to make it!

Peace out duckies!

life, general

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