Well not really my culture cus I am not Spanish but I do dance flamenco and this video! OMG
Can Jaebom be any cuter? He is trying so hard to get the steps down
And them dancing flamenco has me jizzing in my pants so badly!
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Next time I wanna see some salsa or rumba... yes the rumba *salivates* Or they could always do some huaino or marinera (typicall peruvian dances) and I can die a very happy fangirl!
For the next vid, I am trying hard to keep my dongbang spazz to a minimun cus I want to go ape shit crazy when I am in Nagoya seeing them live.
But this vid, LMAO at Jae and Su hahahahaah
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random bangy is always the besttttttttt
sucks that I do not understand Japanese, I am gonna miss some funny stuff when they MC.....
Lastly, my milfy went on a picspam rampage. She is probably bored at her end of the world. I love it cus I suck at stay updated on pics so she is my source for the new jizz in my pants pics.
bangy sexiness o yesssss