Jan 08, 2012 23:42
The end of the quarter is coming on January 20th, so all of my teachers are deciding that NOW is the time to have projects due. I have a five-page "Family Legend" due tomorrow in English class, an exhibit on the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia due the day after, and the introduction for my science fair project due the day after that. My partner for the history project is frustrated with me because I've hardly done any work for this. I'm not denying that; it's true. She's doing 3/4 of the writing and all I've contributed is nebulous ideas that don't really take us anywhere until she does the research. I feel badly, but I have no time now to fix it.
I'm meeting tomorrow morning with my English teacher and my guidance counselor to talk about my performance in English class. There was a huge packet on Frankenstein due before vacation and I just...hadn't done it. I got an extension until after vacation, but it was still only 80% done, so I just left it.
The thing is, it's not laziness or incompetence that kept me from doing the work. I mean, laziness is a part of it. But a good bulk of the work fell during the time when I was so incapable of facing anything from depression that the work just festered and sat there because I was festering and sitting there.
Also, the work is stupid. Maybe some people need ten questions per chapter to fully understand a novel, but I don't. I can read a novel and comprehend it, and answering these questions in the exact format is time-consuming and burdensome and unnecessary. The point of it was to prepare us for the test, which I took and passed with a very high grade, so what was the point of the packet for me?
Anyway, I had the Senior District Chorus performance yesterday and it was brilliant. Yes, it meant getting up before 7 in the morning on a school day, but it was worth it because it was so exciting and we sounded so good. That's the thing about this chorus--we went in on Wednesday to the first rehearsal knowing about half of our notes and we already sounded good. We could sing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' and sound good. Everyone there was just TALENTED. And it was an amazing feeling to know, as we were singing, that the audience was bound to like it. I love it so much.
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