A thought for the fic writers

May 20, 2012 15:05

Because everyone I read seems to swim in and out of fandoms like a leaf riding a fast current, would someone be willing to write a Supernatural AU where they are all mutants?

I came up with the set up last night after I watched the finale.

In the SPN/X-men verse, Sam's mutant abilities manifested early--he accidentally started the nursery fire that killed his mother. He's an all around super-powerful psychic with some psychic visions and telekinesis, but the trauma of starting the fire impacted his control of his ability.

Dean's mutant power is empathy. When John Winchester told his son to take care of his baby brother, he meant it literally. Dean's empathy lets him anticipate baby Sam's needs and helps him inhibit his brother's psychic abilities. It also let's him hear the lie when his father says that their mother's death was an accident and wasn't Sammy's fault.

The trauma of growing up like this and fighting the Brotherhood's mutants who keep trying to kidnap Sam has made Dean scarily codependent with his family, and has impacted his fighting style. Dean is an incredibly lethal fighter b/c his empathy lets him anticipate his opponents moves, but he also feels their wounds and their deaths--hence, lots of man pain.

John has some version of Wolverine's powers. Not necessarily the regeneration, but definitely the tracking abilities and the feral-ness.

Castiel has some kind of super strength and wings a la Archangel. Bobby may or may not be our equivalent of Beast of Dr. Xavier. I honestly think think this could be more interesting if the X-men characters exist in this 'verse, but maybe completely off scene. I'm not sure where the plot should go.

Seriously, the Sam and Dean brothers of man pain and codependency thing would really work in this verse. Now if only someone would write it for me!

fusion ideas, au, supernatural, x-men

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