Everyone needs to Recomment
I removed everyone because:
I don't get alot a comments, so I don't think you are reading
I want to know WHO is reading
It will probaly lower my friends list and I can comment more.
Add me if:
You love me
You read
You comment
You don't type LyK3 dizZz
You are a PJer
You can apply to as many as you want, I don't care if you are only one of those, still COMMENT
Don't Comment if:
You hate me
You don't read
You don't comment
You do TyP3 lYk3 dIzZz
You want your friends list to get bigger
You are an ass
You are "LiKE uMm Ya AnD LyKE OmG HE LyKez me!!!!!!!
...and let the commenting begin!!